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Caleb: Okay, so... DBS Angel level?

Y/N: Yes.

Caleb: Stronger than me?

Solus: Yes.

Caleb: And I get to...

Soulstar: Yes...

Caleb: And Alucard...


Yin smacks his head on the table twice.

Y/n: Fuck! This is the fifth time you've asked.

Caleb: Just confirming. By the way, got any blood of light?

Y/n slits his wrist and pours his blood into a vile before tossing it at Caleb.

Caleb: Mmmm. Tasty.

Lesser God: Don't you fucking dare drink that.

Caleb: Thanks for the idea!

Lesser God: I--No wait---FUCK!

The meeting continued on like this until all had gotten tired of it. Caleb sighed as he left the meeting room. It had been a long day, and an even longer meeting. He wanted to get home quickly and be done with all of this. Quickly waving goodbye to Durp and Y/n, he took Alucard and teleported back to Remnant.

Caleb: Okay, how do you feel about open water?

Alucard: I don't.

Caleb: Mmm. Hang on then.

Alucard: What do you mean, "Hang on then?" We aren't going to--OH MY GOD!

Caleb had teleported Alucard and himself to the open ocean in remnant. Alucard gripped Caleb's shoulder very tightly, cursing under his breath. Caleb just chuckled to himself before tossing the bottle full of Y/n's blood over to Alucard.

Caleb: Create a mixture of your blood, Yin's blood, and the toxic blood in the sea. Then send it into that portal right there--And before you say anything else... If you do it, I will give you an 140in plasma screen TV.

Alucard: Bitchin'.

Alucard popped the bottle open with his mouth before pouring the blood into the sea. After doing that he slit his own wrist, and let his blood flow. Caleb smirked as he saw Alucard work his magic and close off the portal.

Caleb: Mmmm... It's been a while so let me let loose... properly.

Caleb flew Alucard over to the Atleasian air ship and jumped down into the water. He landed gracefully on the waters surface, both scared and ecstatic for what lurked below. He walked over to Ethan, and Rory. All were on a Kaiju corpse tired and cleaning themselves off.

Caleb: Was Atlas any help?

Ethan: Barely.

Ethan hopped off the corpse and joined Caleb on the water.

Ethan: For the world super power, they're kind of weak.

Rory: Since when can you walk on water?

Ethan: Since I got water walking boots! What are you blind?

Rory scowled.

Rory: I'm not blind I just didn't... Ugh, nevermind.

Caleb: So, anyone want to deal with what lurks below?

Rory: No, I'm tired.

Ethan: I wanna go HOME!

Caleb: Mmm.

Caleb was about to charge up a ki blast when he noticed the energy below them fading. He scoffed and turned to the Atlesian fleet.

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