Chapter 30: Underwar Part 1: Prelude

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Caleb: I think prep time is up... *snap*







Multiple people: AAAAH!

Caleb: Calm down, it's just teleportation.

???: Yeah guys. Have you never teleported?


Caleb: Yeah, seriously, shut your mouth or I'm gonna erase you from existence.

???: HA!

Caleb: Shut up midgit.

???: What'd you call me.

???: Hehehe... He called you midgit...


???: Jeez--

I shot them a death glare, and held my fingers, ready to snap.

???: .... <--(Immediately shut up, because he's scared and doesn't want to go home) 

Caleb: So. Let's start off with me. I got dragged here, and got powers.

???: Same, except I became the Rift Kin---

I throw a punch at him, to which he quickly put's up a barrier, that I easily destroy by releasing some of my power. The fist connects to his face, and he tries to punch back. I flip him over and hit the floor using telekinesis-- which happens to come with Ki control.

Caleb: You think you can fight back against me, but remember, I was always stronger than you physically before all of this happened.

???: Well. I'm not dealing with this.

Caleb: For the last time, Nathan. You are not, nor ever shall be the Rift King.

Nathan: Tsk...

Caleb: Rory, come here.

I snap, to temporarily add an ability to me. Rory walks over, and I place my hand on his head.

Caleb: You guys too.

I create clones and teleport them to the others. They place their hands on the others heads, and they all glow for a second.

Caleb: There, now everyone has their powers from the story.

Rory: Aw, sweet!

Caleb: Usually I'm nice, but I will not hesitate to hit you because we're family. Though you're not family, Ethan, I expect you to follow the same rules as them.

Ethan: Hey, I just came here to get my sound powers, and mess with code and stuff.

Caleb: Well, from now on, we shall be known as team CREN (Siren). And you guy's already know about that.

Rory: Okay, so do the letters indicate our ranking?

Caleb: ... Right now, actually, yeah.

Nathan: Oh, COME ON! I can't be the weakest!

Caleb: Shaddup.

I say, hitting him over the head.

Nathan: Ow...

~3rd person

Caleb: Blaise, Reese, Raiden, and Tyson--Who's not here for obvious reasons-- Will be known as team BRRT (Bert). Blaze, since you're the oldest, I expect you to lead.

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