Chapter 1- Be Brave Be Strong

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*It is a warm summer day as you and your mom walk through the park, kids laugh and run as they play. You wished you could stop and swing for once but mama never lets you. she says it too dangerous. So you go straight home after ballet, and start your normal nightly routine. Lock the door and close the curtains. You speak quietly, like you're trying to share a secret and you do exactly as your told. Your mother makes dinner, and you eat and head to bed.

Elizabeth- Okay Odette, remember tomorrow I can't get you from ballet, so I need to you come home on your own. Remember the rules and come straight home, understand?

Y/N- yes mama *She smiles and kisses you head. You reach for her necklace and she chuckles.*

Elizabeth- one day I will give this to you, and it will help you through hard times like it did me.

*You smile and nod, you hug your mom and she rubs you back and tucks you in bed.*

Elizabeth- okay, I love you. Go to sleep, my little Odette *You giggle, and she kisses your head. She turns off your light and leaves the room. you hold your doll and fall asleep.*

*You are walking home from Ballet and you are following the rules your mom made for you; don't talk to strangers, never stop, and if someone is following you go the long way home and stop by the police station. You slow down a bit in the park and watch the other kids play, how you wish to spin on the swings. You notice a man following you and you get nervus, but you remember the words of your mom, Be brave and strong. You take a deep breath and start walking to the police station, the man seems to notice what you are doing and he stops following you about a block away from the station. You go in the station and you explain that you "lost" your mom and a creepy man started following you. you knew if you told them you were walking home alone your mom would get in trouble and you didn't want that. You have them call your mom.*

Elizabeth- oh thank god! Odette come here. You did so good, come on we need to go home. *She thanks the officers and you two head home. She holds you and hurries down the street. She is so focused on you that she doesn't notice the man following you. it's a different man than before. This man is taller and younger, built and he has a quiet energy about him. You know you should warn your mom but you also know you shouldn't speak right now because someone may be listening. This man didn't seems scary though, he was almost robot like and his arm is shiny it and looks funny. Your mom climbs the stairs to your apartment and gets in and barricades the door*

Elizabeth- okay Odette, go get some clothes and you doll. We are going on a trip, okay? Okay!

*You nod and do as she asks. But while you are in you room you hear your mom scream as it sounds like the door is knocked down. You walk out and see the man from earlier, the one who was following you in the park. He looks at you and smiles. Your mom turns around and speaks calmly as to not scare you*

Elizabeth- Odette, go to you room and wait for mommy to come get you, okay?

*You nod and do as she asked, always obedient.*

*You stand in your room.. A painted Ballerina dances on your wall as you hold your doll... you listen as your mom talks with the man outside your door.. he sounds mean. Your mom is crying as she walks in..

Elizabeth- my sweet girl.. I need you to be brave and strong.. all will be okay if you are brave and strong..

Y/N- Yes mama..

*The man from earlier stands in your doorway.. his eyes scare you*

Elizabeth- come I want you to meet someone

*She brings you closer to the man in the doorway.. he crouches down and smiles*

-Hello, my name is Alex.. what's yours?

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