Chapter 15- Psycho Sex Games.

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*The next few months are filled with missions and Brainwashing. You are Odette for about 50% of the time and Winter got well acquainted with her. Since you had expressed your love for each other, you fully trust Winter and you're not as scared as to what he will do when you're Odette. He loves exploring his soft side with you and exploring just how far he can push Odette. He finds that he can push her pretty far and then he sees if you can be pushed the same distance, you can but you're a little brattier about it.*

Winter- Odette!!! *You smirk and continue to walk away. You hear his steps quicken behind you and then your feet leave the ground. He slams you down on the bed and pins you arms to the mattress and his leg push your thighs apart.* If you're gonna talk and act like a slut then ill treat you like one! *He bites your neck and you moan. He sits up and slaps you, you gasp and smile.* You like it when Sergeant's rough with you?! Huh?!

Odette- Fuck yes!!

Winter- open your fucking mouth and take a deep breath *You do and you make a big show of it, he smirks and he moves to straddle your chest. He pulls himself out and shoves his cock in your mouth. It touches the back of your throat and you gag a little, he rips it out and grabs your hair.* What?!? Can't take it?! Too bad! *He shoves it back in and starts face fucking you. Your hands still pinned, you moan and suck as he slides in and out. He pulls out and cums on your face. You gasp and lick your lips.*

Odette- More Sergeant! Please?! *He chuckles and flips you over*

Winter- oh there is plenty more my little cumslut

*Winter proceeds to fuck you till you cant move, you're covered in cum and sweat, just how Odette likes it. You lay next to each other*

Winter- if I reward you more you be less bratty? I mean you can really be a bitch Odette. *You smile as you are cleaning yourself off*

Odette- oh yeah *You smirk* I want more games with way more risk.

Winter- what? Like Roulette

*Your eyes get big and you nod*

Odette- YES! But make it filled with sex! *you lay on the bed and draw on his chest with your fingers. He laughs*

Winter- fine, get a piece of paper. *You jump off the bed and get a pad and pen* Alright, number one? *You two make the sexy roulette list and "try out" each number before you write it down in stone. Days later when you are yourself and you've changed Winter into Bucky, you find the list*

Y/N- We really made this?!? Damn, we really are some kinky fuckers! *Bucky laughs and takes the list*

Bucky- I mean what are some of these?!? Water break?? Fucking handstands?? *You laugh because you slightly remember*

Y/N- umm water break is not what you think it is and Fucking handstands, well ill show you later *You wink and Bucky smirks*

Bucky- oh, will you? *You kisses you and leans you back* What is a water break then- please tell me it has nothing to do with pee!! Dear god if Winter peed on Odette I'm gonna lose my shit! *You laugh*

Y/N- NO! God no!! its umm ha! Its making me squirt. *You hind your face. Bucky smiles and smirks*

Bucky- oh! Well then, let's have a water break!

*You gasp as bucky pulls down you pants and jumps right in, you are squirting in a matter of minutes, this man and his sinful mouth.*

*By day Winter and Odette wreak havoc on the base and everyone is tired of your psycho sexual games. You'd attack anyone who interrupted you and Winter. You'd go on missions and they were very Bonnie and Clyde. Winter is aware enough that he knows you need Bucky at nights, especially after long days of training. He turns you back into yourself and then you turn him back into Bucky. But one day instead of turning you after you turned him, he decides to leave you as yourself while you train*

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