Chapter 9- "Spa Day"

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*After that you found yourself needing Bucky more and more. Winter knew you needed Bucky too. You think the only reason he was okay with it was because he knew it was himself and not another man. You lay in your bed after an intense training session with Winter.. you are so sore but so happy... he literally wrecked you.. but in the silence and stillness of your room you think about Bucky. It was so sudden when you met him and then you had to make him leave... after that he snuck into your room a couple times but he didn't stay for long. You just can't stop thinking about him.. you decide to invite Winter to stay the night, its not Bucky but its as close as you can get.. you stop by his room.. you knock and he swings it open*

Y/N- oh.. hi

*He smiles.. it's Bucky*

Bucky- hey! *He is so happy to see you and he looks around and then pulls you in his room* what are you doing here?!

Y/N- What are you doing here?!? I was just training with Winter!!

Bucky- well... when you decked me in the face something was jogged lose.. *You chuckle* so for the last 10 minutes you were fighting me..

Y/N- that's why he kissed me so much! I just thought he was rewarding me more!

*He chuckles and blushes.. your heart could burst*

Bucky- well "I" haven't kissed you as much so I had to take advantage of the free moment..

*You smile and blush*

Y/N- I wanted to invite you to my room tonight..

*Bucky's face falls*

Bucky- Oh you wanted him... didn't you?

Y/N- No actually.. I wanted you! I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.. I was actually going to Umm.. knock Winter out just so I could see you... *You hide your face and Bucky laughs.. he hugs you and you just melt.. he feels you relax in his arms and he kisses your head*

Bucky- What time should I be there?? And are we....??

Y/N- when the shift change happens at 7 and Umm no I was thinking we could just be.. and maybe do a little bit of this.. *You smile and stand on your tiptoes.. you kiss him and then giggle* how does that sound?

Bucky- So good..

*You leave the room and get ready for that night. You light a candle and turn on some music.. low because you don't want to get in trouble.. Bucky knocks and you let him in.. he smiles and he takes you in his arms.. you walk back to the bed and lay down. He lays beside you and strokes your side.. he takes your face in his hand and kisses you.. you moan a little and Bucky takes that as a sign and he deepens the kiss. He slips his tongue in your mouth and slightly rolls on top of you.. he breaks the kiss and looks down at you*

Bucky- Are you okay with this??

*You nod and Bucky chuckles*

Bucky- so something you should know about me is, I need verbal confirmation.. since I have very little say about so much in my life I need to know that you want what we are doing.. I need you to say it.. I hope that's okay..

*You smile*

Y/N- Yes Bucky.. I'm okay with this.. and I am totally okay with that..

Bucky- Good.. *You two go back to kissing again and it gets heated. Just laying in each others arms, making out and petting each others bodies. Bucky feels amazing, its Winter so you've felt it all before but there is a softness to Bucky that makes your heart melt. You end up talking and making out all night. You talk about his family.*

Y/N- So you had a sister?

Bucky- Yeah Rebecca, she's gotta be in her 90's now.

*You hold him tight.*

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