Chapter 17- I Need A Mission, A Gun, And A Swan

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*You and Winter act like nothing has changed. You train every day and go over attack plans all while trying to figure out a way to escape.*

Y/N- Daniel?!

Daniel- no, I can't help you. I don't want to die!

Y/N- You want Natasha to die?!? Huh?? Because you can bet your ass she is one of the people Hydra is going to take out! *He shoves past you and walk away. You find Winter*

Y/N- I need Bucky... *He nods and turns away from you. You realize if all goes well this may be the last time you "see" Winter. You turn him around and kiss him. He picks you up and carrys you to the bed.*

Y/N- What-

Winter- I know a goodbye when I see one. If this goes well you'll have Bucky for forever and I'm not really sad because I know he is me, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss this. *He kisses you and a tear falls from his face* I love you Y/N.

Y/N- I love you too Winter... *He stands up and faces away from you. You slip an arm around his neck and kiss his cheek and whisper* We will meet again Winter. *He passes out and when he wakes up he is Bucky*


Bucky- I know and we are getting the hell out of here. *You kiss him and smile. This man is everything you need and more. Winter is that fire but Bucky is the protection, he keeps you safe and loves you beyond belief. He won't let you stay in this hell hole any longer.* I have a plan, where is Daniel??

Y/N- He wont help us.

Bucky- oh yes he will..

*You follow Bucky down the hall and he busts through Daniel's door.*

Daniel- what the hell?!?!

Bucky- We are getting out and you're gonna help us or Pierce will find out how you've helped us over the years. *The way Bucky is acting is reminiscent of Winter. Maybe the two of them finally merged. Your dream come true.*

Daniel- I was about to come and find you, there is a jest leaving for D.C. at noon Saturday. We can take it and get out.

*You and Bucky nod and get the rest of the details from Daniel. You head back to your room. Bucky takes you into his arms and kisses you.*

Bucky- we are so close *you nod and start to cry*

Y/N- I don't want to believe it-

Bucky- It's gonna happen and we will be together. We will have a big house and a big family. you'll teach and I'll build things and do handy man work, or maybe be a personal trainer *you laugh* What?!? *He pretends to be offended* I've been told I'm wonderful! *He teases and you nod and kiss him*

Y/N- You are pretty good.

Bucky- It's gonna work, trust me. We will be free and we will be together, we will have our normal life, or as normal as it can be and we will have 4 kids-

Y/N- umm let's start with one and see how that goes.. *He laughs and agrees as he kisses your cheek*

Bucky- let's get to work *You nod and start to plan your escape.*

Y/N- I need to contact Nat, have her meet us and get us a safe place to stay for a while.

Bucky- Do you know how to reach her??

Y/N- yeah, she said to shoot her a message *He motions for you to explain* I'm gonna need a low level mission in England, a gun, and a Swan, preferable one that's already really really sick. *Bucky looks at you and nods*

*Nat walks to her coffee maker and pours herself a cup, she turns on the news and flips through the channels. She stops on one and reads the words scrolling across the bottom.*

Threat to the Prime Minister's life or a horrible prank? A Swan was found dead and shot on the doorstep of the prime minister's house early this morning. Authorities can confirm that the swan died of natural causes, the 5 gun shots were post mortem. More to follow

*Nat nearly chokes on her coffee. She picks up her phone and calls Clint.*

Nat- It's time, we have 5 days.

Clint- I'm on my way.

Nat- do you know where we can get our hands on two Swans and washable paint??

*Bucky is peaking through the window of the agents room, he sees the news coverage of the swan.*

Bucky- well your message made the news. *You smile*

Y/N- Thank you for finding one that was already in Swan heaven.. *You kiss his cheek and he smiles.* Now we wait to see if she got it.

*3 days later you hear of two Swans who were set free at the local Washington D.C. Zoo. Painted on their feathers were the letters B and P. the news coverage assured everyone that the paint has washed off and the Swans are fine.*

Y/N- Nat *You smile, you go to find Bucky* Hey, Nat got our message, she's meeting us in Budapest in two days. *Bucky smiles and kisses you*

Bucky- okay, at midnight we just head straight to the jet and we leave for our "mission" you'll take out the guards in the cockpit and ill handle the ones on board. Daniel will be our cover from above. *You nod*

Y/N- okay, can we just rest now?

Bucky- yeah baby, we've got a long road ahead of us. *You fall asleep*

*You wake up to candle light and Bucky kissing your neck.*

Bucky- it's time baby, let's get dressed.

*You get dressed and grab your two necklaces. You put them both on. you come out of the bathroom and see Bucky dressed in his full Winter attire. He turns around and beckons you over.*

Bucky- I know this might not be the best time to do this, but I have to. *He takes your hands* Y/N, you are the most amazing women I've ever met. You have loved me through the last 6 years and if I had to do this alone, I know for a fact I wouldn't be here now. You are everything to me and I don't want to spend another minute without you. Y/N, Will you marry me?

*You cry and almost shout*

Y/N- YES!! *You leap into his arms and he spins you around. He kisses you and slides a ring on you finger.* How?!?!

Bucky- when you were doing your swan business I visited a store.

Y/N- did you steal this?!?

Bucky- technically yes, I left the money for it the just didn't know they were selling it to me. *He smiles and you laugh.* Well Mrs. Barnes, how about we get out of here?? *You nod and you two sneak out of the room. As you pass by guards you act as though you've just been called for a top secret mission, no one asks and you just keep walking. You see Daniel on the roof as you exit. He points to the jet, you run onto the plane after Bucky. He reaches his hand out and you grab it and climb in. You radio to Daniel.*

Y/N- Thank you Daniel, please get out and get yourself safe.

Daniel- I will do my best, give Natasha my love.

Y/N- I will

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