Chapter 7- I'll Make It Up To You, I Promise

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*You walk into Nat's room, she's sitting in a chair next to her bed and you see a young Hydra agent named Daniel tied up on the bed, He's naked and gaged.*

Y/N- Ummm Nat??

*She looks up and smiles*

Nat- oh its just Daniel, he wont say anything. Will you Daniel??

*He shakes his head and you narrow your eyes at Nat. she sighs and unties him. He jumps up and gets dressed. He looks back at her and smirks. She smiles and smacks his ass.*

Nat- go and remember what happens if you tell anyone.

*He nods and leaves. You look at her and laugh*

Y/N- Daniel?!? Really??

Nat- Besides Winter, Daniel is the hottest person here and I need to get laid. I also like the way I can make him squirm and beg.

*You laugh and sit down on her bed*

Y/N- I just broke Winter

*Nat smirks and sits down with you, she reaches under har bed and pulls out a bottle of vodka*

Nat-Tell me everything and don't skip any details.

*You laugh and take a drink from the bottle. So does she. You two talk for hours and Nat gets very drunk*

Y/N- Honestly, he is built like a Greek god and when he stands above me I just *You bite your lip and a shiver runs through your body.* mmhhhmm He could literally do anything and I mean anything.

Nat- doesn't he already do that?!? *You both bust out laughing and a Hydra agent bust through the door.*

Y/N/Nat- Shit!!

*They snatch you two up and cuff you. they drag you to the training room and cuff you to the wall. You know you're about to get extra training but you don't mind because it's with Winter.*

Y/N- psst!! Nat?!?

*Nat looks over*

Nat- what??

Y/N- I forgot to tell you the best part, I met the real Winter..

Nat- what?!

Y/N- well he said his names James, well Bucky.. anyway... Nat he is so nice. I knew there was someone real deep down.. I knew he was still good!

*Nat chuckles*

Nat- did he force you to sleep with him too?

*You shake your head*

Y/N- No! And how many times do I have to tell you... *You smirk* every time I have sex with Winter, I want it... like bad! God he's so-

Nat- Fucking hot?! Yeah.. he is.. I hope I meet someone like that one day..

*You laugh*

Y/N- Hey next time I get to meet Bucky I'll ask about his friend..

*Nat laughs*

Nat- If only.. *Nat daydreams about a tall, strong, sexy man, who's kind and loving. Who will love her unconditionally.. who may even be frozen in time too... she chuckles... a man who will give her babies... she wipes a tear from her eyes because she knows it's all a fairytale and nothing more* I just need a sweet man who I can just-

Y/N- wreck?!

*Nat laughs and nods*

Nat- hell yeah.. may even make him call me mommy.. *You scream and laugh.. Nat laughs* don't even.. you'd call me mommy too.. I know you would! *You laugh and shove her* with your authority issues.. oh yeah you'd be a mommy's girl..

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