Chapter 10- Ask Me Again Later

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*Winter walks into your room with Hydra guards.*

Bucky(Winter)- we have an overnight recon mission, you are coming with me. Get ready.

*He walks in and the agents leave, you can't contain your excitement, He runs at you and you giggle.. he picks you up and your wrap your legs around him.. you kiss him with so much passion.. You hadn't slept with Bucky yet and there is so much sexual tension building between you two, but tonight it is happening. You two found a cabin off the road to do your recon and you get settled in. It has been raining and you are soaked and cold, so Bucky starts a fire.. you try to turn on the lights but the power is out. You find candles and light them.. Bucky has made a bed on the ground in front of the fire.*

Bucky- You need to get out of those wet clothes...

Y/N- are you just trying to get me naked?

*Bucky blushes... you hardly ever see him blush*

Bucky- Ummm *He clears his throat* no.. yes.. no! I... I don't want you to get sick.

*You smile and kiss his cheek*

*You strip down to your underwear and sit in front of the fire.. Bucky does the same.. he sits near you but not next to you.. you move next to him and you see him tense up.. you smile.*

Y/N- Sorry.. I'm just cold

Bucky- You don't have to apologize.. *You meet his gaze and you can feel the tension grow.. he looks away.. you lay your head on his shoulder and you hear him take in a big breath*

Bucky- Y/N?

Y/N- Yeah?

Bucky- I really like you... and I'm pretty rusty at this.. well me, Bucky, is rusty..

Y/N- I'm sure you'll remember what to do.. *you give him a kiss.. and pull back. You smile*

*He leans in and kisses you.. he puts a hand on the side of your face and deepens the kiss*

Y/N- Is it all coming back? *You smile*

*Bucky laughs*

Bucky- oh yeah.. *He kisses you again and slips his tongue in your mouth.. you moan and Bucky smiles* wow... that's my new favorite sound..

*You laugh*

*You lay down and Bucky lays on top of you. He kisses you while grinding himself into your clothed center. It feels so good you can't help but whimper. Bucky pulls back and looks at you.. he has the look of defeat.. but the good kind. The noises you are making are making him go crazy and he knows he's done for.*

Bucky- God if you keep making noises like that I'm not gonna last..

Y/N- Then we gotta work on your stamina Soldier because I'm very vocal.. *You smirk and he puts a hand over his heart pretending to be wounded. He lays back down and kisses you again. He pulls back*

Bucky- Wait what are the rules? Like how do you like-

Y/N- Bucky... I trust you... I know this is different because we've never been together but yet we have... *You shake your head* look I believe somewhere in your subconscious you will remember it all... it may take time but you will.. I really like you Bucky... even more than.. well, winter soldier.. just be with me Bucky.. just me and you..

*Bucky smiles*

Bucky- Okay.. *He kisses you and it starts getting heated... his hands wonder along your body. He plays with your breast.. he puts one in his mouth while he massages the other one then he switches.. he kisses his way down your body and stops above your underwear.. he looks up at you and smiles*

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