Chapter 20- I'm Patient And I'll Wait

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*Bucky has been on the run since the fall of shield and Hydra. Steve and Nat are looking for him and they find him because Bucky didn't cover his tracks enough after leaving D.C. They were able to track him to his safe house in Bosnia. He walks into his apartment and notices something is off... Nat had him pinned to the ground before he can fight her off.. she was ready for him this time.

Bucky- let me go... now!

Steve- Buck, listen we need your help. A lot has happened recently, and we could really use your help-

Bucky- no!

Steve- We need more people like you.. like me-

Bucky- there is no one else...

*Nat realizes Bucky still doesn't know that you're alive, she just figured you had already sent him packing or he just couldn't get up the courage to see you. She wants to test the waters*

Nat- What happened to her??

Bucky- who? *Bucky shoots back*

Nat- y/n...

*Bucky looks at her, there's something in his eyes... saddens, pain, heartbreak, he doesn't know*

Bucky- you know what happened... Where were you by the way?!?! You were suppose you help!

Steve- Het calm down, who is y/n??

Nat- she is Bucky's fiancé..

Bucky- was! *Bucky corrects her* she was my fiancé

Steve- what happened to her?

Bucky- What happens to anyone who gets close to me Steve, She's dead.

Nat- No, she lives in D.C. and has since shield and Hydra fell...

*Bucky looks at Nat*

Bucky- don't fucking lie to me

Steve- Buck-

Bucky- No, she's doesn't know what she's talking about... y/n is dead, I threw her from the plane, I watched her die..

*Nat stares him down*

Nat- and I collected her from the tree she landed in and took her to a hospital in Budapest. She was released 4 days before project insight..

*Tears immediately fill his eyes and he starts to hyperventilate... he smiles and laughs. He rips out of his restraints with ease and head to the door*

Steve- Bucky?!?

Bucky- she's alive, Natasha?!? Really?!? 

*Nat smiles*

Nat- yeah Bucky, she is.. and I'll tell you where she is if you help us...

*That strikes a nerve with Bucky*

Bucky- No, I'll find her myself. I'm done fighting someone else's war, and so is y/n. Don't follow me or you'll regret it..

*Bucky jumps out the window and is gone before Nat or Steve can stop or follow him*

*Bucky slips on a plane to D.C. and finds the last known address for you, you've moved since then. He decides to rent a place under a fake name. He is determined to find you and he's not leaving till he does.. You are walking down the street to your apartment one day, you have some groceries in your hand and your purse on your shoulder. Someone comes by and takes your purse and runs off.. you drop your stuff and run after them. Bucky happens to be taking a walk when he hears a women scream, he turns around and sees her chasing a man down the street. He's about to step in when she lays him out with a punch. You catch him and grab your bag.. you deck the guy in the face and he runs away.  Bucky chuckles, as she collects her stuff. He sees bags tossed on the ground, they must have been the women's. He picks them up and stacks them on the stairs and walks away... You walk back to where you dropped your groceries and they are nicely stacked on the stairs to you apartment building. You look around and you see the glimpse of a man with long, dark hair, he is wearing a baseball cap, he's got a burgundy shirt on and a jacket.. he disappears before you could thank him and before he can even see who you are... you yell a thank you over your shoulder and he stops in his tracks. It couldn't have been that easy, he turns around and sees a glimpse of her hair as she walks through the door.. he wants to scream your name, chase after you, hold you tight and never let you go, but he can't bring himself to move.. he stays there and just lets his mind race with thoughts of you. When he finally gets the courage he walks up the stairs to your building and climbs the stairs two at a time.. he knows you would never live on the first floor... too easy for someone to get you. He also knows you'd never live with people above you because you'd need a quick escape to the roof. You also wouldn't live on an end because again it's too easy for someone to take you.. So Bucky heads to the top floor and goes to the very middle apartment.. he stops in front of the door and takes a deep breath. He knocks and waits... You open it and come face to face with the man from the street, it is Bucky. He looks at you like he is seeing a ghost. He examines you, your eyes, mouth, nose. His mind flashes back to you falling from the plane, the look of fear in your eyes... he hears your breath catch and he moves forward and takes your face in his hands.. he looks into your eyes, your beautiful eyes, filled with life*

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