Chapter 3- Happy Birthday

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*Two years go by and every day is the same, Eat, School, Train, Sleep, repeat. It is your 8th birthday, and you are getting ready for your training. Johnny is outside the door arguing with someone but you can't understand what they are saying*

Johnny- You don't have to do this!

Pierce- you brought this upon yourself when you sided with them. Trying to take away our greatest asset, you know the punishment for a traitor.

Johnny- Don't do this to her, I am all she has left!

Pierce- She has me, her father-

Johnny- oh fuck you! you were a sperm donor at best, you've never been a father to her! Winter was more of a father to her than you were.

Pierce- and look where that got him, at least you won't have freezer burn like he will

Johnny- no, you'll just leave me to rot

Pierce- no, I'll put you in the ocean beside your sister. You'll be reunited in death, now say your goodbyes.

*The guards shove Johnny to the door and he walks into the gym*

Johnny- Hello little Swan! Happy birthday!

*You smile and jump into his arms*

Y/N- You remembered?!?

*He smiles*

Johnny- of course! I got you a gift..

*You open it and it's a necklace with tiny silver ballet slippers and a sliver Swan...You smile and put it on*

Y/N- Thank you!!

*Just then Pierce and some of his men come through the door.. Johnny looks over his shoulder*

Johnny- 5 more minutes.. please?!

Pierce- No.. let's go..

Johnny- okay, little Swan listen *He starts to cry, and he lies to you* I am having to train someone else and you are getting a new teacher *You start to cry and protest* don't cry. *He wipes your tears and kisses your forehead* be Brave and Strong...*That's what your mom always said, suddenly things start to make sense. He gets up and walks away, you chase after him and wrap your arms around him. the last connection you had to your mom you couldn't let him go.*

Y/N- No!!?! Don't go?!? I'll be better!! I won't play as much!?!! Please?!?

Pierce- Odette, over here now!

Y/N- No!!!

*Pierce pulls you away and gives the order, the guards look at you and back at Pierce*

Guard- But sir... the child..

Pierce- She needs to learn, don't get attached. People are temporary. *He leans down and says* when you disobey others suffer. *It all happens so fast you can't comprehend it... Johnny is laying on the floor gasping for air... Pierce leaves you there.. you crawl over and touch his face... He smiles and takes your hand*

Johnny- Be b-bbrave aannd s-str-strong...

*He stops talking... he stops moving... you cling to him and cry.. another person, gone*

Y/N- NO!!!!!!! *You let out the most guttural scream you could muster and cling to Johnny. *

*You stay there hoping it was a joke but it wasn't. Johnny lays there, dead... you take a deep breath and stand up, you sneak out and visit the man with the metal arm.. you press you hand up against the cold glass*

Y/N- He's gone, dad killed him. He said it's my fault, maybe it is. *You stare at him encased in ice... you have the overwhelming feeling that he was there because of you as well*

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