Chapter 18- This Wasn't Suppose To Be Our Future

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*You walk into the cockpit and take out the Pilots. You set it to auto pilot and go back to find Bucky*

Y/N- was it really this easy?!?

Bucky- I'm not questioning it! *You laugh* *he picks you up and kisses you*

Y/N- Ask me again..

Bucky- Will you Marry me? *Before you could answer the door is ripped open and you are surrounded and restrained by Hydra agents. You start screaming for Bucky*

Y/N- Bucky! No! Get off me! Leave him alone!!

*Bucky is fighting the men holding him back. He is screaming as well.*

Bucky- Let her go! Don't touch her! Y/N!! If you harm her I will kill you!

-Everybody needs to calm down

*You look around to find who's speaking. Alexander Pierce walks through the group of men straight to you.*

Pierce- let's talk

*You swing your leg out and kick him in the knee.

Y/N- Go to Hell!

*You were waiting for a retaliation, but nothing came. Pierce motioned to the agents and they moved you to another part of the plane. You could hear Bucky screaming as they escorted you away.*

Pierce- y/n you have 2 options. Option 1 you tell Bucky you never loved him and you were only using him to get out of this God forsaken place. If you choose this one you live out your life with us and he goes free or option 2... we kill you and make him watch. Obviously, this isn't a great option because you'd be dead and he'd be with us.

Pierce- We can handle losing one of you but not both... so you get to decide, Who. Goes. Free. So, which do you think he will actually be able to live with? Knowing his Girlfriend died for him, and for nothing at that point because like I said, we won't lose both of you. Or knowing she never loved him and was just using him... I know, I know they aren't great choices.

*pierce leans in close*

Pierce- but you didn't think we would ever let you leave...did you? You're our best, You're our Hope. So why would we make this easy. Either you stay with us or you die.

Y/N- If I do this you won't hurt him? He gets to walk away and you will never bother him again?

Pierce- I won't touch him.

Y/N- fine

Pierce- Wow I honestly thought you'd fight a little harder for your man... guess you really don't love him.

Y/N- I love him more than you could ever know. But if lying to him gets him free and away from Hydra... then you bet your ass I'm gonna do it. Do we have a deal?

Pierce- Deal

*You walk to where they are holding Bucky. You say to yourself "okay Y/N this has to be your best performance yet" you think *this is to save Bucky, channel Odette.*

Bucky- Y/N! Are you okay? Help me get out of these we can take them.

Y/N- James stop! Look, I really hoped it wouldn't come to this but it has, I needed a way out and I thought you were my best option but then you got feelings and ugh... fell in love.

Bucky- what?? Y/N what is going on? *You see the confusion*

Y/N- I was only using you to get out of this Hell hole James and you couldn't even get me out without getting caught. So, I'm just gonna go back. I mean my life wasn't so horrible.

Bucky- Except it was! You hated every minute with them. This isn't you...

Y/N- actually it is.. *Bucky interrupts you yelling at first and then he softens his tone*

Bucky- No! This isn't the women I love.... The women I would die for... the one I want to marry... remember! I don't know what they did to you but remember!! Don't let them turn you into the monster you fear.

*you turn away because you can't contain the tears any longer. You remind yourself that this is all to save him*

Y/N- I will always be a monster, Just. Like. You. Goodbye James.

*You take off the ring and throw in on the ground in front of him. You walk away and you hear him start to cry. He had poured his heart out to you in your time together and you just used every fear he had to break his heart and save his life. But at least he will be alive and away from Hydra, maybe in time You can fix this. You go stand next to pierce.*

Pierce- okay now that we're done with that wipe his mind and get her out of here.


*You run at Pierce with all your might and head-butt him*

Bucky- Y/N!!!

Y/N- WE HAD A DEAL!!! *The agents have already started the process and Bucky is screaming. You try to stop them but you can't.*

Y/N- YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HIM!!! *A big guy comes up behind you and puts you in a choke hold. Pierce gets in your face*

Pierce- I said I would not hurt him... and guess... what... I'm not.

Y/N- I will kill you, when your time comes it will be my hands that bring about your final breath! Mark. My. Words!!!! *The last thing you hear before you pass out is Bucky/WS talking to Pierce*

Bucky/WS- Ready to comply.

*You wake up in the same room, you hear the sound of air, Pierce made the jet take off. He also turned bucky again and wiped his mind, which means the Winter somewhere on this plane has little to no idea who you are and has probably already been instructed to kill you. You hear the door behind you slam shut and lock. You turn around to see Bucky, the man you love, trapped behind the eyes of Winter, the other man you love. Two halves of the same whole, completing the love of your life.*

Y/N- Bucky it's me... you don't have to do this. *Winter comes at you full speed. You can't fight him off. He grabs you by the neck and walks you toward the door of the plane. He rips the door open and leans you out of the plane.*

Winter- you wanted to leave... here is your exit. *As you are crying you reach out and cradle his face with one hand while you hold his wrist with the other.*

Y/N- Yes Bucky Barnes... I love you and I always will. I would've loved to be your wife.

*You see the trance break and you can tell your Bucky/Winter is back if only for a moment.*

Bucky- ...y/n *he whispers*

Y/N- Don't let them get me. Don't let them win Buck. Please let me go.. *you let go of his wrist and rest your hands by your side*

Bucky- But you said yes...

Y/N- I love you James Bucky Barnes but you need to let me go. They can't have us both. You know what they will do if they get me. Believe me this is a kinder fate..

Bucky- This wasn't suppose to be our future!! *He cries out*

Y/N- What was it suppose to be? Tell me.

Bucky- We would have named our son Grant, after Steve. You two would have met and become best friends. You said we'd start with one kid but we both know we'd have at least 6 *You chuckle and tears fall from your eyes.* We'd have a big family that's made up of people we chose as family and we'd help people, we'd be good. *He sees your tears fall* We'd have lost of crazy sex and just love each other till we die. *You rub his face.*

Y/N- We will meet again, we will be free.

Bucky- Don't ask this of me..

Y/N- Please I can't go back you know that! Let me go.

*Bucky looks deeply into your eyes and you can see his heart breaking in the moment he decides to do as you have asked.*

Y/N- It's okay Buck... we will be okay. I love you so much!

Bucky- I love you too Mrs. Barnes *he pulls you in for one last kiss*

Bucky -Please forgive me. *Bucky yells and with one swift movement you are falling from the plane. All you remember from the fall is the look on Bucky face and him being pulled back from the door. No pain... just utter freedom, finally*

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