Chapter 5- I'm Glad He Met You

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*Winter trains with Odette for a couple weeks and you keep getting better and better. He turns you back into yourself twice to check in with you. He says your word before training in the morning and then your Odette again. Nat trains with you as well. Winter uses the special training on her and something deep inside you doesn't like that one bit. Winter still wins each time, but you don't give in as easy. You are on a mission and Winter is training you during downtime. He slams you into the wall and licks your neck*

Winter Soldier- Ready to comply? *He whispers in your ear*

Odette- No!

*He let's you go and you take your shirt off... You spar again and he knocks you to the ground but you flip over and pin him... he was not happy. He got up and ripped his shirt off and came at you again. He threw you against the wall you stand up and he grabs you in between your legs and holds you against the wall.*

Winter soldier- Ready to comply?

*Whimpering, Odette answers*

Odette- No

*He let's you go and you loose your pants.. you fight again and you end up against the wall again with a knife at your throat.*

Winter Soldier- Ready to comply?

Odette- y...yes

Hydra Officer- obviously she is broken... we need to wipe her *Some men come up and grab you. The Winter Soldier throws one across the room and breaks the others arm*

Winter Soldier- touch her again and I'll kill all of you.. *He Picks you up and as he leaves you look up and see Nat.. it was her turn to fight.. at least she didn't have to fight Winter Soldier... he takes you to your room. He lays you on the bed*

Winter Soldier- you complied... turn over.

*You turn over... you are only in your underwear and a bra. He rips your underwear off*

Winter Soldier- put your hands on the headboard and don't move them.

*You do as he says.. you turn around and see him positioning himself behind you... ready to punish you... he brings down his metal hand *Slap* you scream... he massages where he spanked you.*

Winter Soldier- We are Hydra... we never give in.. we fight to the death.

*slap* *another hard blow lands on you ass*

Winter Soldier- giving up is for the weak


Winter Soldier- We are not weak


Winter Soldier- now tell who you belong to

*He wraps his metal hand around your neck*

Odette- You Soldier

*He kisses you roughly.. his expression softens.. slightly*

Winter Soldier- you fought well today Odette... I won't punish you further.. but if anyone asks..

Odette- I couldn't even walk after you were done with me.

Winter Soldier- Good girl *He kisses you on the head* that's my Psychopath

*You smile up at him*

Odette- you know... I'd hate to be a liar..

Winter Soldier- Thats a lie right there

Odette- Fuck me till I can't walk... please.

*He grabs you and pulls you hard against his muscular Chest*

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