Chapter 13- Make Our Own Family

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Winter- We have a mission

Y/N- When and where?

Winter- Now and it's classified..

*You get dressed with him still in the room.. he watches you and you smile*

Y/N- You want a picture? It'll last longer

*He grunts and tries to hide his smile*

Y/N- Oh don't be so shy.. I know your pants are getting tighter by the minute Sergeant.. *You bite your lip.. and Winter eyes you*

Winter- Are you finished-

Y/N- Are you? *You look down at his pants.. He shakes his head and huffs*

Winter- we leave now.. if you're good maybe I'll fuck you when we get back..

Y/N- You really know how to talk to a lady..

*You move past him and swing your hips as you walk.. you know he's watching*

*You get on the jet and they give you the run down*

Agent- Target is John Doe

Y/N- Wow.. really??

Agent- No, you just don't need you to know his name...

Y/N- If I'm gonna murder someone I'd like to know his name....

Agent- You can ask him yourself..

*You roll you eyes and read the file.. he's a College professor who is working with Shield to develop a new super Soldier serum.. he is on vacation with his wife and children.. there's a note at the bottom, no witnesses.. you hand the file to Winter*

Winter- Let's go..

*You climb out of the jet and get in a car.. Winter drives.. you come up on their car and you see the kids in the back seat*

Y/N- Stop... not now.

Winter- We are on a time crunch..

Y/N- it says no witness and I'm not about killing children... are you?

Winter- No but we can't delay.. we will figure something out.. now go..

Y/N- Look they are stopping.. and there go the kids.. and the wife! There now all we have is Him..

*You look at Winter and he looks at you*

Winter- Fine... *The car pulls away and you park in an ally... you follow the car on foot until it's parked... before you approach the car Winter pulls you back*

Winter- Remember... if you're good I'll fuck you.. make me proud, Princess.. *He kisses you and you smile. You hated what you were doing but maybe this man did something in his past that could justify cold blooded murder. You look back at the car and see movement. At some point he picked someone else up, how did you miss this?!? It must have been when Winter was reminding you of your rewards.*

Y/N- There's someone else in the car...

Winter- It's too late... Move.

*He throws a smoke grenade in the car and it explodes.. the man climbs out... his pants are down and a women climbs out the other side... she's at least 18.. one of his students no doubt, so he's a cheater, yeah you feel a little better about what you're about to do.*

College student- Oh my god!! What the hell?!?

*She sees you standing over the target.. you shoot him and she screams*

College Student- no!!! Please no!! I won't say a word! Please?!?!

*You are about to shoot her when Winter stops you.. he looks at her*

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