Chapter 2- The Man With The Metal Arm

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*You spent the next week in your room and crying for your mom, even though you are five you understand what Alex meant when he said, "No one can hurt her now." You wish you could hug her one last time. Someone opens your door and steps into the room. you sit up and look at the man walking in, you recognize him from photos. Your mom had pictures everywhere, she said it was to help her remember. You don't know his name though but you feel you can trust him.*

Johnathon- Hello! I am told your name is Odette, like from swan lake, is that true? *You nod and he smiles and crouches next to your bed* well I love swan lake

Y/N- me too *You speak quietly, the first words you've spoken since you asked about you mom.*

Johnathon- Come with me, I want to show you something. *He walks you down the hall and you pass by the man you saw on the street and in your home. His metal arm tight by his side and his eyes locked on the door in front of him, waiting for it to open.* Okay, this is going to be where you go to school and have training with me.

Y/N- Training??

Johnathon- why yes! You are going to be a big strong fighter! The best there ever was. *You smile at the way he is talking, it's very dramatic and big, your mom would have found him funny too. You get sad again, he notices.* what's wrong little Swan??

Y/N- they killed my mom, I'll never see her again *You cry and look at your feet. You hear a sniffle, and you look up, you see Johnathan wiping a tear.*

Johnathon- I know little Swan and I am so sorry. But I promise as long as I live, I will make sure you are safe.

*You hug this man you just met; you feel safe with him. The door opens behind you and Johnathon stands up straight and has you turn around, its Pierce and the man from the hall, the one with the metal arm.*

Pierce- Odette, this is your guard for the foreseeable future. He does not tolerate disobedience, do you understand? *You nod and look up at Winter, his sad eyes meet yours. There's an understanding there that lets you know he would never hurt you. Winter steps to the side and motions to the door with his arm, you follow and he takes you back to your room. For the next two weeks all you did was sit in your room and then go to training with Johnathon, Winter was always with you, you're pretty sure he sleeps outside your room every night too. As you sit in your room one afternoon all you hear are the screams of your mother until the soft voice that seemed to care about you breaks through. The only voice, besides Johnathon, that ever seemed to show you any kindness. You know his voice very well because you hardly look at him.. his eyes are always too sad and it makes you cry*

Winter- eat.. you need your strength..

Y/N- When will I get to leave..

*You can feel him stare at you*

Winter- eat...

*He leaves. He was there that day... the day your mother died... he took you to the car and set you down...that was one of the only time you ever looked at him... his blue eyes were filled with sadness, they were saying every apology his mouth couldn't... you could tell he was a prisoner just like you... He didn't want to do the things he was doing.. maybe that's why you felt safe when he guards your room, even though he is the one who made you an orphan*

*Day in and day out Winter would guard your room and keep you safe. There are a lot of creeps here and he makes sure no one hurts you. one day you got so bored sitting in your room and you asked him to play*

Y/N- Please?? I just want to go outside.

Winter- it's too cold. *He grumbles back*

Y/N- I have a jacket *You hold it up, He looks down at you and sighs. He starts to walk to the outside door, you stay where you are. He turns around and motions for you to follow. You smile and run after him, quickly passing him and bursting through the door at the end of the hall. You jump in the snow and laugh. He stands by the door and watches, he feels sorry for you, that you will grow up in this retched place and without any real family. he has a thought that fades as quickly as it arrived, 'I could be her family.' Someone clears their throat behind Winter, he looks over his shoulder, its Johnathon. 'He is much better suited to be her family' Winter thinks.

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