Chapter 14- I Love You, Every Version

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*You are training one afternoon and you are giving Winter a taste of his own medicine. You caress his face.. after you fight him and draw blood you insist on cleaning up the mess you made.. Winter sits there stiff, unsure of this gentleness you are showing him*

Y/N- Hold still!

*He slaps you hand away and you grab his face*

Y/N- It's gonna get infected and then your pretty face will be scarred up.. stop!

*He stops fighting and something within him lit up at the fact you called him pretty.. he wanted to laugh but he knows he can't.. he sits there silent.. the way you look at him, with concern and love.. the emotion seems foreigner him but it also feels right*

Y/N- Sorry.. I shouldn't of said any of that.. *you lower your gaze.. Winter places his finger under your jaw and lift your head*

Winter- Don't ever apologize for caring..

*He places a gentle kiss on your lips... it surprises you, some more of Bucky bleeding through the thin veil that separates them in his mind. It is a welcome gesture though.. he pulls away and stands up.. he leaves without saying another word*

*Winter walks to his room, he needs Bucky to deal with these feelings.. he looks at the wall*

Winter- Fuck, this is gonna hurt..

*He knocks himself out against the wall, when he comes to he remembers everything and you.. he gets up and races to find you*

Y/N- Winter, slow down..

Bucky- It's not winter... it's me, Bucky..

*You smile and he wraps you up and kisses you*

Bucky- He knocked himself out so I could have control... he- We- I need to tell you something..

Y/N- What Bucky? *You rub his face*

*He takes a big breath*

Bucky- I love you, Y/N... you are the best thing I have ever had in my life. You are the only reason I haven't given up and ended it all.. you make life worth living, y/n.. and I'm all in... *He kisses you.. you are completely shocked* We Love you... even Winter.. he is ruthless and hard but you, you made him fall in love with you.. every version of me loves you beyond compare or belief..

*He kisses you again*

Y/N- Bucky I-

Bucky- You don't have to say anything.. just sit with this.. I know it was a lot to take in.. get some sleep, I'll see you soon

*He leaves.... You wanted to scream "I love you too!" But you couldn't let yourself believe what he was saying... But even still, Bucky Barnes loves you... you smile and fall back on your bed*

*There is a knock on your door. Its Pierce and some Hydra agents*

Pierce- Daniel is being left here in charge of you and Winter. Don't do anything that you'll regret or you'll lose another 3 years, understand?

*You nod and he motions for you to follow him. He walks out to the jet and you watch as he and all his men climb aboard. You watch as they disappear over the horizon, "Winter" walks up behind you, he ran off yesterday before you could change him back, you didn't mind because it gave you more time with him.*

Bucky- so we have this whole place to ourselves, whatever will we do??

*In your mind you thought "Run" but Bucky had other ideas.*

Y/N-Fuck!! Harder!! Yesyesyes!! Mmhmm

*Bucky has you by your hair as he slams into you from behind. The bed is soaked and the room smells like sex, you've been going at it for hours.*

Bucky- mmhmm I'm gonna cum!!

*Bucky releases into you and you cum around him. you fall to the bed and Bucky half lays on you and the bed. he chuckles and you smile*

Bucky- that was amazing.. *He says in between breaths*

*You chuckle and nod.*

*You two get cleaned up and lay in bed. You talk and dream of a time beyond this place.*

***3 days later after Pierce and his men are back.***

Y/N- Bucky! *You whisper*

*He pokes his head around the corner and motions you to follow... He smiles and sneak down the hall.. He blindfolds you*

Y/N- What are we doing?! *You laugh*

Bucky- You asked me the other day what I thought the most beautiful and incredible thing in the world was... and I said you... *You smile and shake your head* and you did just that.. do you remember what you said after?

Y/N- I said "You don't know that because you've never seen the northern lights"

Bucky- And I asked if you had and you said "no." Then I said "then you can't argue that I'm wrong"

*You smile*

Y/N- Bucky Barnes what do you have up your sleeve?

*Bucky smiles and acts cool*

Bucky- Well I can't live with you thinking I'm wrong *He takes your hand and pulls you down the hall and out the door.. The cold air hits your face. Bucky pulls you into his arms* so I decided to put it to the test.. see how you two compare..

Y/N- Two?? What??

*He takes the blindfold off and you see the night sky.. bright and lit up.. the color dances in the sky.. it actually brings tears to your eyes.. You turn around and Bucky is staring at you smiling*

Bucky- So now I've seen the northern lights y/n and I can confidently *He walks closer* say *He takes you in his arms* the Lights hold nothing to you... You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on this earth and I will make sure you know that until the day I die...

*He pulls you into a kiss*

Y/N- How did you-

Bucky- The guards left a paper out and I read it.. it gave the exact time of the lights tonight.. y/n, I want you to know that I'm in... I'm all in, every version of me is completely and madly in love with you..

*He kisses you and You smile*

Y/N- I love you Bucky Barnes.. every part of you..

*You rub his metal arm* every version of you *You kiss his forehead*

*This was the first time you had ever said that you loved him... it wasn't until this moment that you believed that you could fully and completely trust and love him*

Bucky- Alright, let's get inside.. huh?

*You nod... You head inside and you pull Bucky into your room.. you pull him into a kiss and lock the door. You two end up entangled in each other's arms all night, your bodies together and moving as one, you've never felt so loved. Before he leaves you change him back to Winter. When he sees you, he smiles and kisses you, still working on being gentle.*

Winter- I meant every word he said *He strokes your face and you kiss his palm*

Y/N- I love you too Winter. *He looks deep into your eyes and says something that surprises you*

Winter- Marry me, Y/N. spend the rest of your life with me- him- us. *He smiles and tears form in your eyes*

Y/N- I'd love that but we both know there is no getting out of here. *A tear falls from his face and he wipes it away, he kisses your temple and leaves the room.*

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