Chapter 8- I Will Do My Very Best

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*You are thrown into your room.. you're bloody and beaten.. every part of you aches.. You crawl over to your bed and lay down. You had your first training test today and well you didn't pass.. when you didn't pass you got the shit beat out of you.. Winter was not allowed at this because he would have killed anyone who laid a finger on you and Pierce couldn't have all of his men dead... You are sure he will give you some sort of punishment for your failure... so you lay in bed and wait.. as you may there your body becomes more and more sore.. you can't keep your eyes open.. you suddenly hear the door slam closed.. you shoot awake and just lay still. Your back is to the door and you hope he leaves you be and just lets you sleep.. you don't know if you could follow a command now*

Winter- I heard you failed...

Y/N- Yes... it won't happen again *It would.. for at least the next few months... after that no one left your training test without a bloodied or broken something*

*He walks towards you, heavy boots pounding into the ground.. you wait for him to strike you or pull you out of the bed but instead you feel a cold metal hand rest on your black and blue jaw.. you feel a warm hand slide in between your body and the bed.. you feel a strong chest lay pressed against your back.. a lips graze your ear. He whispers*

Winter- You will learn... *He kisses your neck and moves his cold metal hand to another bruised spot on your face... You are still tense, just waiting for the onset of force and anger.. he can tell* I will never punish you on testing days... if you pass, I will praise and treat you. If you fail, I will comfort and hold you... you have been through enough, my punishment would be nothing more than abuse at that point.. I might be a heartless assassin but even I'm not abusive...

*He kisses your neck again and holds you close... You relax into his arms and right as your eyes close your hear his breath become more even as he fully relaxes around you... you smile*

Y/N-You're not heartless.. *You mutter as you drift off to sleep. You feel his arms tighten around you, a comforting touch.*

*You woke up the morning after your first Training test... Winter is gone.. a loud bang on your door pulls you from bed*

Random Agent- Hey! So, sorry about yesterday. You know, always having to follow orders. I pulled my punches though so it shouldn't bruise too bad. *You roll your eyes and go to close the door.. he sticks his foot in the way* Oh come on y/n... I know you have fun with Winter... how about you have some fun with me?... *His smile sends a shiver down your spine... you turn away and he pulls you into his arms and plants a kiss on you... you knee him in the groin and shove him away. He pushes you against the door and covers your mouth with his hand. He tries to shove his hand down your pants and you headbutt him, you throw him off you and close your door and lock it. Your heart is pounding and you are shaking, you've never been so scared and that includes training with Winter.*

*He walks away and finds some other officers... the idiot doesn't realize Winter is in the room when he decides to brag about his "morning with you" he says you let him in and he fucked you until you couldn't walk... Winter has heard this kind of talk all the time but something about it this time makes him livid. It's because its about you. He reaches out and grabs the guys neck and with a little squeeze the man was hanging limp in his arms*

Winter- No one else ever touches her... understood!

*They all cower in fear and then run off... Winter knew some of them would be ordered to handle her from time to time, but he would deal with that when it came up*

*There is another knock on the door*

Pierce- You have training... get up and don't whine, he's not in a whining mood today... already killed one of my men...

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