Chapter 6- I Love To Disobey So...

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*Winter Soldier opens your door*

Y/N- Knock much... *He gives you a stern look.. you were not in the mood to fight so you just gave in.. you look down*

Winter- We have a mission..

*Fear runs through your body.. you know a mission means the chair and the unimaginable pain that comes with it... you stay where you are.. He turns around*

Winter- let's go... now

Y/N- No... *Anger flashes in his eyes.. you rarely say no... he sees the fear in you.. something pulls at his heart... he didn't even know he still had one. He remembers the words he said, well really Bucky said, that Winter is better adapt to protect you, he has to protect you.*

Winter- I'm not taking you there... you will go as yourself... now let's go.

*You breath a little easier... you walk forward and he takes your arm.. his touch surprised you*

Winter- If it is ever in my power I will always spare you of that fate..

*You smile... his stern face wavers for a moment*

Winter- Pierces needs to see us first..

*You walk into Pierces office... he is shifting through papers as you walk in*

Pierce- Oh good, I have a little annoyance I need you to take care of, a file of mine was stolen and it's very important and I need it returned.. and once you find it bring it back under no circumstances are you to read it..

*Winter nods*

Y/N- Yes sir..

*You bring it back.. it's covered in blood but it hasn't been opened*

Pierce- Thank you! Here *He hands you necklace... it looks familiar.. a swan and ballet slippers... you can't place where you know it from* Now go...

*The blood didn't even bother him.. he took it and opened it. You caught a glimpse of the name on the first line Elizabeth... the name and the necklace brought tears to your eyes, but you don't know why... you were still standing there*

Pierce- I said leave.. now.

*You leave and close the door behind you.. Winter stares at you*

Y/N- What??

Winter- Nothing, get ready for training... 30 minutes..

Y/N- I just went on a mission!

*He corners you... You are so close that as you breath your chest rises against his... you can tell the feeling of it is causing him to loose focus*

Winter- And it took you 10 minutes too long to take down your man... for that you train..

*He looks at your lips.. without even thinking about it he reaches out and twirls your hair between his metal fingers... he gently pulls it.. and moves closer.. his lips graze yours as he speaks*

Winter- Be prepared to possibly stay the night in the training room... I may have to bring out the special training for you...

*You swallow hard... he's only used the special training on you Twice so far and that was the day he introduced it and the day he "met" Odette.. he has used it on Odette almost everyday. You don't know if you have it in you to complete the special training, In one week you've been fucked, brainwashed, fucked, snapped out of your brainwashing, "met" Bucky, trained until you were black and blue, gone on a mission, and now you're about to be fucked again... it's been quite a week*

Y/N- Yes Sir.. *You say quietly*

*He smiles and presses his lips against yours.. soft at first but then it turned rough... he pulls away and leaves you... despite how tired you are you want him even more after that kiss.. Special training isn't enough anymore.... As you prepare all you can think about is Winter Soldier, his real self, Bucky, and that folder with the name Elizabeth*

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