Chapter 16- Six Weeks, Get Ready

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*When you are unfrozen again it's been two years. Two years, all because you killed one man, one agent, ridiculous. You are in your room warming up as Winter walks in, he smiles and walks over to you.*

Winter- he deserved it, ruining our moment *He roughly kisses you*

Odette- I know!! *You smirk, he looks at you*

Winter- Swan

*You change and meet Winter's gaze. He gently smiles and kisses you.

Winter- I've missed you Princess *You giggle and kiss him*

*You lean your forehead against his. He pulls back and nods, you slip your arm around his neck and knock him out. When he comes to he is Bucky*

Bucky- are you okay??

Y/N- yeah, you?? *He nods* another 2 years gone..

Bucky- yeah I don't know what the date was when we were frozen or what year it was-

Y/N- I think it was 2012 *Bucky nods* so its 2014

Bucky- shit, I'm almost 100 *You laugh*

Y/N- I should be almost 25 but I guess I'm almost 21?? I had just had a birthday before we were frozen or that's what Pierce said anyway..

Bucky- well happy birthday! You can finally drink *You laugh and kiss him*

Y/N- man our lives are messed up..

Bucky- yeah but if it means I have you then its worth it. *You smile and pull Bucky close*

Y/N- I love you Bucky Barnes and our shit show of a life *Bucky laughs and kisses you again. You spend the day together, Daniel was the only one there, Pierce and his men were gone again.*

*You meet with Daniel to figure out what you two you missed.*

Daniel- Well Aliens attacked New York; Natasha helped fight them. Steve rogers is the leader of their little group. Pierce and Hydra have a plan to wipe out anyone who stands against them and you two are the key to making it happen. *You and Bucky look at one another* if there was ever a time to try and escape, now is the time. He is planning a mass genocide.

*You and bucky quietly head back to your room.*

Bucky- we have to leave Y/N, we can't let him-

Y/N- I know but how??

*There is a knock on the door, its Daniel,*

Daniel- they just landed, you may want to change him back.

*You nod and Bucky kisses you "Goodbye" you say his words and he is Winter again. It breaks your heart every time you have to do this. You dream of a day when Bucky can just stay himself.*

Y/N- Pierce is waiting on us *He nods and leads the way.*

Pierce- ahh good! We have a little assignment for you two! In two months a new project will be launched by shield. Its called Project Insight and it will bring forth a new age, one ruled by Hydra's hand.

Winter- What do you need from us sir?

Pierce- glad you asked, one of you will be completing a hit for me, maybe two depending on how Mr. Rogers reacts. *That caught yours and Winter's attention.* anyway, while that's happening the other one will be making sure the ships launch with no problem and Hydra can carry out their mission. This is Agent Rumlow, he will be an inside man for you. *You look at him, his eyes scanning over you, making you want to scream.*

Y/N- When will this take place??

Pierce- Six weeks, so get ready.

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