Chapter 19- What Do You Want To Do

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*You feel someone grabbing your arms and lifting you from where you landed. It sounds like Nat, it can't be though because you're dead.*

Clint- Damn, how did she survive this?!

Nat- she's a super soldier.

Clint- Like Steve?? I thought he was the only one!

Nat- yeah so did he, look don't say anything to him, he will feel less special. *Clint laughs and helps lift you into the jet.*

You wake up 3 weeks later in a remote hospital in Budapest. You find Natasha sitting by your bedside. You try to sit up but you can't.*

Nat- Hey take it easy! You really know how to make an entrance. Even with super soldier serum you are lucky to be alive.

Y/N- They have him Nat... they still have him.

Nat- We can get him back don't worry.

Y/N- He was willing to kill me just so I could get away. In fact he probably thinks I'm dead and I need to stay that way. No, I'm not about to risk being captured again. I would have put him through all of that, through loosing- *your voice cracks* it would have all been for nothing if that happens.

Nat- what do you want to do then

Y/N- I need to disappear... *you look at Nat with tears in your eyes*... He asked me to Marry him. We were escaping and he took the time to ask me to marry Him. He had asked so many times before but I never answered because there was never going to be a future for us, until suddenly there was. We talked about starting a family Nat..

Nat- You never had the graduation ceremony?

Y/N- No. I never wanted to tell you because- *You look at her and she looks down and hold her stomach* Hydra saw promise in me and needed me right away. They didn't want to wait for me to heal after surgery so they said they would "deal with it later" but they never did. I let my guard down for one second and started to make plans... the next thing I know I'm falling from the sky. *you are filled with so many emotions and you begin to cry. Nat holds your hand and wipes the tears from your face. You hear someone walking down the hall and they enter your room.*

Clint- Hey the jet is here.. if we are going to move her we have to do it now. Also Furry called.. needs you to get Cap and get ready for a mission. Something about a boat and pirates.

Nat- okay thanks

Y/N- Cap? As in Steve??

Nat- Yeah, you've heard of him??

Y/N- Bucky talked about him all the time. You can't tell him about Bucky, please?!?! They will kill him in an instant if he comes for him. *Nat nods*

*You sit there waiting to leave... and the only thing you can think is, "Bucky please forgive me." Because of the fall you don't remember all that much about project insight expect that Nat needs to be careful. Nat and Clint get you set up in D.C. and you hide away from the world for years. You heard that Shield fell and Hydra with it, Nat told you that Bucky escaped, and he is on the run. You knew he'd find you eventually, you just hope you can forgive him when you do. It is wrong of you to be mad at him for doing exactly as you asked but nothing about your PTSD and trauma make sense. In the two years you've lived in D.C. you've moved about 3 times, you kept tabs on Nat and she checked in often enough. You hear about Sakovia and what the avengers did, they really did help you don't know why some people are so hateful towards them. You try to move on but you can't, you plan a couple dates but you never actually go, its hard to move on when you've already had your great love.*

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