Chapter 4- The Month Of Firsts

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*You train with Nat for a week, you don't know why but you grow to trust her quickly. She explains to you all about hydra and how things work there, she says you shouldn't trust anyone, but you still trust her.*

Nat- today is the day, I'm sorry for what your about to endure but you are strong enough to handle it.

Y/N- thank you Natasha *You nod*

Nat- you can call me Nat by the way, good luck.

*Some guards come and take you away. You are thrown into a cold room... dirty windows at the top of the wall, no escape. You look around and their he is, the ghost. He stands up from his chair in the corner of the room and strides over to you.*

Winter Soldier- Ready to comply?

*The first thing you were taught was to never give in and to never let someone else have the upper hand... though you were scared to say no to this man*


Winter Soldier- Too bad

*You are flying through the air.. you land on the ground and try to get up but you can't. The Winter Soldier walks towards you, you mustered all the courage you could and swept his legs out from underneath him. He hit the ground hard and you pin his arms above his head... you locked eyes with him and you swear this fucker smiles.*

Winter Soldier- Not bad... *He shoves you off him and stands up* again.

*This went on for hours.. if you did good you were praised, if you lost you were punished. You are incredibly sore by the end of the day and you are escorted back to your room. Nat is there ready to help you.*

Y/N- you didn't tell me how hard he hits *You lift up your shirt and she can see the bruising already healing*

Nat- yeah well, you're a super soldier, all pain is different for you.

Y/N- there is no way he hits you this hard, you'd die!

Nat- That is correct, he pulls his punches with us normal folks. Now get showered and ready for dinner. *You are getting dressed and Nat steps in and leans against the doorway* he's pretty hot though, isn't he.. *She smirks and you blush and nod*

*You have been training with Winter for 2 weeks now and you weren't progressing like they wanted you to. You could keep up with Winter, but they needed you to be falling at his every word, ready to obey without fail, especially for what they had planned*

Pierce- tell me, is there anything you've noticed that we can use to hurry this training along. We have some missions we need her to complete but I can't let her out into the world with Winter if she isn't 100% under his control.

*Winter's face doesn't change as he listens to Pierce talk to the head phycologist for Hydra*

Dr. Arden- Well he could use the special training on her, she seems to respond well to praise.

*Winter starts to listen more intently, he knows exactly what they are talking about and the thought of using it on you make him sick, but also little turned on. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't noticed you, You're beautiful and you are the only Women in this place that could actually handle him. He is starting to warm up to the idea.*

Dr. Arden- and if that doesn't take like you want we can brainwash her. *Winter likes that idea less* we only wiped her mind with the machine last time, this time we could pump her head full of all sorts of our own ideas and what we want her to be. We can make it to where she has to obey him, she wouldn't have a choice. *Winter hates that idea, he doesn't want you to be some mindless robot.*

Winter- I will use the training on her first and it will work. No need for brainwashing.

Pierce- sounds good to me, on your way Sergeant. Remember, she is our hope for success.

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