Chapter 11- If You Ever Loved Me

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*Bucky slams you on the ground and the breath escapes you. You look to the side and you see Pierce behind the glass, he smiles as you start to get up.*

Bucky (Winter Soldier)- that the best you got Princess?

Y/N- No *You stand up and fight some more and he slams you on the ground again*

Hydra agent- She is failing.. teach her a lesson and then send her to her room.. *He leaves you two alone*

*Bucky looks at you.. he is super confused.. he's never had to enact the special training before while playing Winter, you whisper*

Y/N- Just fight me and then fuck me like you never want me to walk ever again..

*Bucky's eyes go wide*

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- I... I don't want to hurt you..

Y/N- Trust me... *You laugh* I don't mind...

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- That doesn't make me feel any better...

Y/N- it's okay.. I can go first if you want..

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- Okay.. what-

*Before he could finish, he was on his back and pinned below you... you could see him getting mad*

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- What the hell?!

Y/N- Now you loose your shirt... and we fight again.. use that anger! *You wink and lick his neck* Bring it on big boy..

*You get off him and get ready to fight again.. he charges you and pins you... over and over and over... you couldn't catch your breath and before you knew it you were completely naked. Bucky stands in front of you and just smiles*

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- You know... I do like this. *You roll your eye* what do we do now?

Y/N- You pin me and then...

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- Gotcha...*You fight and you let him win. You are pinned beneath him*

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- This in kinky as fuck... *You laugh... he leans down and kisses you while grinding against your center..*

Y/N- Oh Fuck!!

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- I bet you taste as good as you look..

*Bucky has never shown you this side of him, you never knew he had this side. You knew Winter did but he is a brainwashed assassin. Bucky is suppose to be a kind boy from Brooklyn who's out of his time. Even so, you love this side of Bucky, Winter is bleeding through and its just the right amount of roughness. He kisses his way down your body and attaches his mouth to your clit.. he sucks and licks and swirls his tongue.. he has you on the edge*

Y/N- Oh sir!! Please Sergeant?!?

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- cum in my mouth Princess..

*You moan and scream his name as you cum.. he kisses you and pulls his dick out of his pants.. he slams in you balls deep*

Y/N- Fuck!!!! Sergeant!!!

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- yeah...Say my name... the only name coming out of your pretty mouth

Y/N- Sergeant I need to cum!!! Please?!?

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- no not yet!

*He slams into your harder.. you can feel the bruises form on your legs and hips. He takes his metal hand and starts to rub your clit*

Y/N- please sergeant!?!?

Bucky(Winter Soldier)- No! *Bucky explodes in you and he makes you cum screaming his name...He helps you through your high and he pulls out of you... he kisses you on the side of the head and whispers in your ear*

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