Chapter 12- Cold

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*Cold air thaws around you, your chest starts to rise and fall, you open your eyes and the light burns your eyes. You breath out and its just as he said, fire. You breath in and its even worse. You fall forward and just barely catch yourself before you hit the floor. you look around and you see him on the floor next to you, he is shaking and holding himself. You realize you are too, you can't stop yourself. You try to crawl over but you can't move. You just breath the fire like air into your lungs and pray that it stops or you die, whichever comes first. You eventually warm up and are able to stand. You see Winter and he looks over to you, Daniel is there too. He looks older, he walks over and takes your arm, Winter lunges for him and Daniel lets go.*

Daniel- you're both wanted, Now. Let's go.

*You stumble as your legs have trouble working again. Winter picks you up and carrys you out of the room. Daniel sees him and stops*

Daniel- Put her down! You're not supposed to know who she is and you aren't nice enough to just help someone.

*Winter puts you down and you shuffle down the hall. He wants nothing more than to hold you and warm you up. He knows you are probably still freezing, he knows that how he was after his first freeze. Daniel opens Pierces door and you two walk in.*

Pierce- Ah good to see that some time in the cooler did the trick. Winter have you met your new partner?? This is Y/N, she has a little alter ego named Odette that I think you will love. You both will start training tomorrow. Winter, Daniel here will Teach you how you train your new friend. You have a mission in a few days so be ready. Now leave.

*You walk out and head to your room, thankfully it's still your room. Winter walks in behind you. you sit on you bed and just cry. Winter kneels in front of you and rubs your knee, you place your hand on his.*

Winter- I'm so sorry Y/N

*You nod and something catches your attention, it's a newspaper. You pick it up and you read the date. You cry even more, it's 2011, three years. This bastard stole 3 years from you, it's also your birthday, July 30th. You should be 21 today but instead you're 19. You can't think or speak, Winter tries to get your attention and hold you, but you push him away. He looks so hurt but you can't bring yourself to care at the moment. You lay down and Winter sits by your bed. He takes your hand and you let him, he holds your hand and sits there till he knows you are asleep, then he leaves.*

*You wake up and see Winter gone, you shoot up and run out of your room. instantly regretting not letting him be with you. it wasn't his fault and now you might have lost him all together. Your worst fears are running through your head, that they found him and realized he wasn't wiped so they took him. You are kicking open doors and looking around corners. You open the door to his room and you see him laying on the bed, he sits up and looks at you, you walk in and shut the door and make sure its locked. You run over to him and lifts you into his arms.*

Y/N- I'm sorry-

Winter- are you okay?! How do you feel??

Y/N- Cold, I'm just so cold.

Winter- come here. *He takes you to his room. during the 3 year freeze someone put a tub in his room and he wasn't complaining.* Undress *You do as he said and now you're more cold. He fills the tub with hot water, and he places you in it. He undresses and gets in behind you. he wraps his real arm around your breast and his metal one in the water between your legs. You are warmer just by the water and his body heat. You relax in his arms and he kisses your head. At this point you two don't care if they know he wasn't wiped, all you want is this forever. You never realized Winter had this soft side to him, maybe Bucky's kindness is bleeding through to Winter. Before you thought that maybe you loved both of them, now you know for sure. You definitely love both of them. You get out and dressed.*

Y/N-Oh my god, Natasha?!? *Winter looks at you and you can tell he is a little worried too. You find Daniel* Where is Natasha?!

Daniel- She got out after you were frozen with the help of shield and a man who was sent to take her out. She's been working with them ever since, Pierce is actually pretty high up in the organization so I'm surprised he hasn't tried to kill her yet. Guess when Nick Fury is your adopted dad you are untouchable. Anyway, she left you, me, she just left us like we meant nothing. *Daniel walks away and you feel slightly bad for him, although he does still work for Hydra. You walk to Nat's old room, nothing has been moved or changed. You see a little note sticking out from under her pillow, you take it.*

Dear Y/N, I know you'll be the one to find this. Its true, I got out and with the help of my new friends I will get you out too, maybe Bucky as well. Always be ready and remember, Be Brave and Strong. If you ever need to reach me just shoot me a message.

*A neckless falls out of the envelope, you don't remember why its important but it makes you cry when you see it. It has a blue sapphire and a silver ring around it that says Be Brave. Be Strong. You hold it close and leave her room. you find winter and show him the note.*

Winter- they won't let us go, you know that.

Y/N- yeah, I can still hope though.

*You pocket the neckless and put it with the swan and ballerina one*

*You and Winter stay clear of each other unless you train and he tries to be short with you like he was when you first met, to help ward off suspicions. You get ready for your first mission back.*

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