Chapter 15

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Five days. It's been five days since I last saw Andrew. He told me he was going on a business trip so I have literally been alone in this huge house all by myself.

I spent most of my time at the restaurant, where I work occasionally and at Alicia's house.

But two days ago, Alicia had to travel to meet her sick mom, so I've been all by myself.

Right now, I'm sitting in front of Andrew's huge television watching business and entertainment news and snacking on a chocolate bar. Feels so good to eat free food.

I move to change the channel but then I hear, "And finally, a picture of Jayden Carter, the most wanted man had been circling the internet."

Does Alicia know this? If she does, she would have told me. That means she doesn't.

I grab my phone to call her. As soon as it rings, my eyes dart to the screen where I see the picture of him. The person who snapped it was standing at his side when the picture was taken, so it only shows his side view.

His long legs, his perfectly gelled back hair, the obviously expensive suit he was wearing were quite obvious in the picture.

Alicia finally picks my call.

'Hey! Have you heard? There is a picture of Jayden Carter on the web."


Her voice sounds a bit off. 'Yeah, is everything okay? How's your mother?'

' I'm fine. Just a bit tired. Her cancer is getting worse. The doctor said he's not sure if she'll last longer than 3 months'

'Oh My God! I'm so sorry.' 

' It's okay. I gotta go, Jessi. I'll call you back.'

' Okay, just make sure you update me'

' I will. Mom sends her regards, by the way'

'Okay! Love and kisses to her.'

She hung up. I sit thinking for some seconds about her. Alicia's father died when she was 3 years old. Ever since then, her mother took over their little company and has been trying to build it for years.  When Jessi turned 18, she came here and tried to build a simple life on her own.  A few years ago, we found out that she had cancer and apparently it isn't getting any better.

I sigh and continue to stare at the television screen with Jayden's picture on it. His body frame seemed familiar.

So familiar that I think I know him.

So familiar that I think I work for him.

So familiar that I think I live in his house.

Maybe it's just my imagination but Jayden looks like Andrew.

The same hair colour. The same body frame.

My mind drifts back to when I saw Andrew with two different coloured eyes. I quickly grab my phone and Google:

"Is it possible to have two different coloured eyes?"

"Heterochromia iridium is the condition of having two irises of different colours. Most times, it is caused by genes passed down from parents."

So, Andrew had heterochromia? But his eyes are always brown. That was just a one time thing. Were my eyes deceiving me?

Another short chapter✓
Your girl has writer's block so she'll need a lot of inspiration to write the next chapter.

Anyways, what do you guys think? Does Andrew have heterochromia? If he does, then how does he cover it up? Why does Jayden and Andrew look the same?

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