Chapter 20

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The question continues to ring in my head. Do I love Jayden? I think about all the times we've spent together. All the things he has done for me. All the things I've told him and all the things he has told me.

Like?  Yes, I certainly do like him.

But Love? I'm not so sure what that was an even if I knew, I wasn't sure if I love him. Or if he loves me

I clear my throat and my mind. Come on, Jessi. You're smart. You don't just read books for nothing. Think!

"Mr Carter" I start. "Your son is a wonderful man. He has so many attractive qualities. There is absolutely no reason not to love him"

I steal a glance at Jayden. He had stopped eating and was staring at his plate like it's the most interesting thing ever.

My answer was simple. I wasn't claiming to love Jayden and I didn't say I want in love with him either. Right?

"But what exactly made you fall in love with him?" Mr Carter asks again with one of his eyebrows elegantly raised.

It seemed like my answer didn't satisfy him.

"Mr Carter, your son is amazing. He accepts me for who I am. He never makes me feel like I'm not good enough. He trusts me." I sigh. "I love your son Mr Carter and nothing can change that."

I just admitted I loved someone. Oh My Gosh!

I looked at Jayden to see that his eyes were permanently fixed on me. I looked away, not being able to match his stare.

Jayden's father clears his throat and sets his fork down. "You seem to be a very nice lady Ms. Jessica but I need you to know, my son is not worth your love. You deserve so much better than him"

My head snaps up to look at him, while Jayden goes back to looking at his plate.

Why would someone say such thing about their own child?

I couldn't control the anger boiling up inside of me. I couldn't take it.

Jayden was really serious about his father hating him. This is ridiculous.

"With all due respect Mr Carter, I think your son is a great man. I know you miss your wife and I know you are still sad about the fact that she left you. But this man over here is your son. Whether you like it or not, you gave birth to him and he has been living his entire life trying to get you to be proud of him. " I say all in one breath. But I wasn't done.

"Do you know how many people out there are looking for a child like him?"

I bang my fork on the table, "All he ever wanted was a father. All he ever wanted was for someone to love him. Do you think your wife would be happy about the way you are treating her son. Think about it Mr Carter. And with that being said.." I stand up from my seat and grab Jayden's hand, pulling him to do the same.

"We will be taking our leave. Have a wonderful night. And also.." I placed the bag of cookies I had baked earlier on the table.

"I heard your wife was a baker so I made some cookies for you. Please enjoy it."

I grab my bag with one hand. My other hand was holding Jay's hand. With that, I exit the room.


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