Chapter 7

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When I agreed to do it, my mind was blank.

All I think about is the broken guy I would be helping.

My eyes meet his and I realize how much it means to him. I might later regret this decision but for now, I'm glad I could help him.

"There's something else I would like to ask of you"

I look up at him curiously. "What is it?"

"My father has definitely assigned someone to watch us. He thinks we are living together. When he finds out we aren't, he's going to get suspicious. So..."

"So you need me to live with you?!" I cut him off.

"Yeah. Can you?"

"I need some time to think about it. I'll reply you tomorrow."

He smiles a little and my heart flutters. "Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do to repay you. If there is, please let me know."

"Just think of it as a friend helping a friend. But I'll still keep that in mind." I take a quick glance at my old wristwatch. "I gotta go. There's someone I need to meet."

"Do you need me to drive you?"

"No, there's no need for that." I stand up, ready to leave. "On second thought, I would love it if you could drop me off."

Andrew gives another smile before getting up.

"Hey, you don't need to open the door for me. I have hands, you know." I get into the passenger seat of his huge black car.

I'm sure if Jim was here, he would probably know the car brand and model, maybe even it's manufacturing date and the company that produced it. Whether it was imported or not. That's how much Jim loves cars.

Speaking of Jim, I am meant to call him this night.

Andrew gets into the drivers seat. "I know, I just feel.."

"You feel like you need to repay me because I'm your knight in shining armor." I puff out my chest a little feeling proud.

He lets out a chuckle. A deep one. I know I said his voice was soothing and was probably the best sound I have ever heard, but his chuckle beats it.

"You need to do that more."

"Do what?"

"Smile, laugh. You look handsome when you do."

I gasp, realising what I just said. "It's not that you don't look handsome normally. Personally I think you look great whether you smile or not, it's just that you look better when you smile or laugh or chuckle." I say in one breadth trying to redeem myself.

"You understand what I mean, right?" I give a nervous chuckle. The last thing I need is for him to think I have a kind of crush on him.

"I think I do" He says with a playful smirk on his face. "You know, a lot of people has always complemented my looks but it feels special when you do. It's nice to know you have been secretly admiring me."

I don't reply as my face flushes. I'm meant to make him understand that it's all a misunderstanding but it seems like the more I talk, the more trouble I get myself into. And besides it's not like he's wrong. I have been secretly admiring him.

You can't blame me though. God spent enough time when creating him. His features are sharp and well defined.

He has brown eyes that show absolutely no emotion.

He has a sharp jawline. So sharp that it might actually cut.

His thin lips

His perfectly shaped nose

His broad shoulders

His long legs that seems to go on forever

His dark brown hair that looks so silky and smooth. So smooth that I want to run my hands through it and...

My face turns red at the fact that I am shamelessly admiring him. I silently avert my gaze from him before he notices, but it's too late as his next words makes my face flush harder.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer"

(wipes sweat)
Another chapter

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Have a wonderful Christmas🥳🌈

Love you all


GTKM : My favourite holiday of the year is Valentine's day and Christmas. 
What's yours?

SIR: Underneath the tree by Kelly Clarkson

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