Chapter 32

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When Jayden's father asked me a question similar to this, I hesitated because I didn't think he liked me back. Besides I wasn't even sure about my feelings then.

But now, I was really sure I felt something really deep for him. It can't possibly be love because I can't love. I'm too damaged for that but I guess I can like. And I do like him, a lot.

I like how he spends time with me. I like how I was comfortable around him when I didn't trust most guys. I like how he teased me sometimes. I like how he always made me smile and how he looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his, making me feel all giddy inside. I even like it when he calls my full name.

So, I nodded. "I really like him. A lot actually"

Jim sighed. He thought for a minute before he asked, "Does he make you happy?"

Jayden did make me happy. He always bought me things and made me smile a lot. Sometimes we even had play fights whenever I was teaching him how to bake. I laughed around him a lot more than usual.

So, I nodded. "He really does make me happy." Without knowing, a small smile slowly made it's way to my lips despite my eyes still full of tears.

Jim chuckled. "I can tell. You always sounded brighter than usual whenever you called." He faced me. He seemed to have pulled himself together. " Listen Jess, if you like him that much, I guess it wouldn't be fair to ask you to... you know. You've been sacrificing a lot for me ever since our parents death. You deserve to be happy, Jess and if he makes you happy, I don't think you should let his dirty past take away your happiness." He took a deep breath. "I think you should go see him. He must be feeling terrible."

I nodded as the tears started flowing. Jim hugged me and we stayed like that until he made a joke about him being hungry.

We both went to the kitchen where we met Theo cooking. We talked about everything, even about our parent's death.

That night, I went to bed with the aim of visiting my parents grave before going to see Jayden.

The next morning, Jim, Theo and I went to see my parents. I won't go into detail on what was said and what not because that would be too emotional and I've been really emotional lately.

After we left, we got ice cream and even went to a park to shake off all the sadness. I mentally prepared to see Jayden that very day. I was done procrastinating.

So, when the sun began to set, Theo and Jim headed towards him house but I went to Jayden's.

I decided to walk there so I could have time to think of what to say. It started to rain as I got closer to his house and the sky became darker.

It kind of foreshadowed how gloomy and sad his house was because as I stand in front of the gate, I shivered. I felt like I was standing in front of an haunted house.

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