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Warnings for this chapter: Swearing and mentions of blood


"Uh.. (Y/N)? Are you sure this spell of yours will be able to help us get more customers for the hotel?" Charlie asked as she stared at you with eyes of worry.

"Why of course, my dear! I did this spell countless times and I assure you it will work!" you happily exclaimed with your sharp grin as you twirled your staff in your hand.

"As long as nobody disrupts me while doing so.." you muttered but Vaggie heard you.

"Woah woah wait. What do you mean by 'as long as nobody disrupts me'? What's going to happen if the spell was interrupted?" Vaggie asked as she looked at you warily while pulling Charlie behind her.

"Hm, let's just say something bad could happen if I do get interrupted, Vaggie dear. And I know all of you wouldn't want that to happen." you answered as you leaned closer to Vaggie.

"Although it will be very entertaining to me. Yes, very much so." you added with a smirk as you used your staff and parried away Vaggie's spear that was about to aim towards your neck.

"You hijo de puta! I swear if you destroy this hotel I will tear you limb from limb!" Vaggie screeched as she tried to attack you again but was being held back tightly by a nervous Charlie. "I do not understand what you just said but I'll take it as a compliment!" you replied while giving Vaggie an evil grin.

"Calm down, Vaggie. I'm sure (Y/N) knows what she's doing. And please don't anger her more. Remember, she's the radio demon and overlord and could possibly end our existence right here." Charlie told Vaggie while whispering the last part.  Vaggie grumbled under her breath as she glared at you and gave you the middle finger, making you irked as different crimson symbols started to float around you.

You saw Charlie turning towards you and quickly gave her an innocent smile, ignoring Vaggie's look of surprise and shock at your sudden mood change. "Okay, so.. (Y/N). Vaggie and I will try to not let the others bother you as you do the spell. We'll be right outside if you need any more assistance. So, yeah." Charlie explained as you nodded in reply.

"This will be done in a jiffy. I'll call you over once I'm finished to see if there are any changes in here." you informed as Charlie smiled at you while heading outside, dragging Vaggie behind her.

You gave the two a grin as Vaggie once again gave you the middle finger in which you rolled your eyes at her antics. You went towards the door of the room and slowly closed it, unaware of a small pet wobbling in.

"Now, to do this quick and I'll be free to cause another round of chaos in hell. Maybe go give dear Rosie a visit as well." you told yourself as you walked towards the middle of the room.

You began to hum a small tune, grin never faltering as you drew a large pentagram at the floor. You then sharpened your nails and clenched your fist tightly until you felt your blood dripping down.

You placed your fist over the pentagram until you saw your blood dropping on the symbol, emitting a faint green glow. Once satisfied with the outcome, your grin widened as your eyes turned into what looks like radio dials while your antlers begin to grow larger.

---Outside of the room---

"You think the spell would work?" Charlie asked Vaggie. "Not sure but if she destroyed the hotel instead, I'm going to murder the radio demon myself." Vaggie exclaimed as she gripped her spear.

"I hope it will go we-"


The two turned and saw Angel running towards them with a worried look. "No, no we haven't seen him Angel." Charlie answered as she tried to calm the spider down.

"Speaking of fat nuggets, I think I saw a blob of pink entering the room where (Y/N) is in." Vaggie thought aloud.

"Oh fuck no! I swear if that chick ate my baby, I will destroy her kneecaps!" Angel angrily exclaimed as he marched towards the door, causing Vaggie and Charlie to pale.


---Back to you---

'Now just three taps and make sure it glows bright to show effectiveness and it will be done.' you thought to yourself as you summoned your staff and began to tap on the pentagram.



You giggled as the symbol began to glow a more brighter green. You were about to tap it once again to finish the spell when you heard oinking noises behind you.

You quickly turned your head to see a pig, Fat Nuggets, waddling towards you. "Oh no." you muttered as you looked back at the pentagram, only to see it begin to emit a white glow instead of its green one.

"Oh dear." you exclaimed as you heard the door slam open to reveal Angel, Charlie and Vaggie.

"Smiles! Where is my baby!?!?" Angel Dust yelled in anger as you picked up said pet and watched as Angel walk up to you and grabbed fat nuggets from your grasp. The room began to shake as the pentagram began to glow brighter.

"What's going on?!" Charlie asked in panic as all of you prepared yourself for what might come. You were about to reply to the when a bright white light covered the whole room.

You held up your arm to shield your eyes away from the light as you felt something different around you. You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself in a strange place.

'Now this is a strange place.. everything is white.. too much white for my liking..' you thought as you looked around the area. "Could this be heaven? No.. that can't be it. I'm a sinner and I don't even plan to be redeemed.." you muttered when you felt a presence in front of you.

You looked up to see a woman with deep orange eyes piercing through your skull with anger emanating from it. Her long white hair flowing behind her.

You let out a grin and stared back at the strange woman. "Hel-"

"Outlander, your journey ends here." the woman said.

"-lo." you replied as you felt your eye twitch in annoyance for being cut off.

You jumped a few feet away and saw a large orange and brown cube appear on where you used to stand.

"May I ask who you are?" you asked with a small laugh as the strange woman's eyes began to glow.

"The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now." the woman exclaimed. "Pardon? I'm afraid I do not understand." you replied with a confused look, grin apparent on your face.

"I already dealt with those two. I'm sure the other one won't mind company." the strange woman stated as your eyes widened in surprise when she appeared in front of you.

You were about to attack but quickly noticed multiple cubes forming around your figure, making you unable to escape. Your grin became strained as you narrowed your eyes at the woman before being fully covered by the strange cubes.

"Try not to be too much trouble, demon." the woman mocked as your vision turned black.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now