Chapter 71

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You stared at the ships at the harbor, watching them come and go. You hummed a small jazz tune as you waited for Zhongli. Twirling your staff around your fingers, the eye of your microphone blinked and glanced behind you.

"He's arrived, boss." your microphone stated as you turned around and saw Zhongli walking up to you.

"I apologize for taking a bit longer than expected. Director Hu kept asking me about our relationship." Zhongli said as he cleared his throat, pink dusting his cheeks.

"Well darling, it was your fault for telling her that we're engaged. Accept the consequences of your words." you replied with a grin.

"Let's go somewhere that's more hidden to the eyes of others. Maybe in between those two ships." you suggested as you made your way to the area before tapping the end of your staff to the wooden boards. A large red circle appeared under your feet, green flames flickered around the wooden floorboards.

"Come, darling. Take my hand and don't let go." you stated as you held out your hand towards Zhongli with a large grin. The archon held your hand as you pulled him inside the circle. The green flames engulfed the two of you as you both disappeared from sight, leaving nothing behind.


Both you and Zhongli teleported to a port in Inazuma. You looked around and noticed a lot of ships and items being traded off. Zhongli let out a breath he was holding as he stumbled forward, not used to your teleporting abilities.

"Easy there, darling. Take deep breaths. You'll get used to it soon." you said as you held Zhongli up to keep him from falling to the ground. You noticed the outfit of the locals to be different from Liyue and Mondstadt.

Zhongli quickly pulled you behind a cargo, making you surprised. You were about to scold the male but was immediately silenced when Zhongli placed his hand over your mouth.

"Shh, I was informed that there is a Vision Hunt Decree occurring in this nation. Those with visions on their person will be captured, their visions will be taken away. There is a reason why it is difficult to travel to and from Inazuma nowadays, unless it's to trade items and merchandise." Zhongli whispered, his eyes trained on the Inazuman guard that passed by your hiding spot. Once the guard was out of sight, the archon gently moved his hand away.

"What do you think we should do then? We are literally not from this nation. You are from Liyue, the Geo Archon to be precise, and I'm a demon of hell." you stated as you looked around.

"We can register our names at the border checkpoint. It will take us a lot of convincing just to let them approve of us to roam around." Zhongli said, pointing to a female staff member handling the registrations.

Once you and Zhongli made sure there were no guards near your area, you both went to the border checkpoint. You already have an idea in mind to get pass the checkpoint.

"Hello, please state your name, identity and purpose of your visit." the female staff stated as she looked at you and Zhongli with suspicion.

Before Zhongli could utter a word, you held the female by the arm. A surge of green energy passed through your arm and towards the female, making her let out a gasp.

"My name is (Y/N) and this is my fiancé, Zhongli. We are just some Inazuman merchants that just finished trading off our items to Liyue and we would like to go back to see our families who are here and maybe finally tie the knot." you stated, grinning in triumph when you saw the female's eyes turn into a shade of light green. The archon beside you felt his face flushed red from what you told the staff.

"Of course. You don't have to worry about your entry papers, I will handle them immediately. Welcome to Ritou." the staff said nonchalantly as you let go of her arm and watched her go to her desk filled with paperworks, filling up a new document to what is yours and Zhongli's 'supposed entry papers'.

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