Chapter 69

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"Do you suppose I should blend around more in my human form?" you asked the amber eyed male beside you as you stared at yourself on the glass window at one of the jewelry shops in Liyue. After dropping off Qiqi back at the pharmacy, you and Zhongli decided to tour around the harbor.

"I think it would be more beneficial. Considering that the fatui has already seen your appearance as a demon, I am already guessing they will report it to their higher ups and they might try to kill you. It would be much more safer if you were to blend in as a civilian." Zhongli replied, glancing at your direction before directing his gaze at the various jewelry of the shop.

"Ha! Kill me? As if I can be killed by a mortal with elemental powers." you exclaimed with a laugh, noticing the people around you glancing in your direction as you headed towards an alleyway with your companion not too far behind.

Twirling your staff between your fingers, you hit the butt-end of the staff towards the ground as a ring of green fire surrounded you. The flames rised up in smokes, covering your entire figure as you transformed to your human form.

Once the flames have been distinguished, you adjusted the glasses on your face. Your microphone staff disappeared in thin air as you fixed your bowtie with a grin. Since you were in your human form, instead of the seven feet tall height you were used to, it changed to the height you used to be before you died.

You glanced to your right to see Zhongli staring at you with a jaw drop. You chuckled as you moved closer to the male, inching closer to his face with a sly smirk on your face. Placing your thumb and index finger under the male's chin, you gently pushed his jaw up, closing his mouth in the process.

"Close your mouth, darling. We wouldn't want any flies in your mouth now would we?" you stated as you watched Zhongli's face turn into deeper shades of red. Gently patting the male's cheek, you walked out of the alleyway like nothing even happened. Leaving the flustered archon behind.

'Dear Celestia, just what are you doing to me..?' Zhongli thought as he regained his thoughts before looking around, only to find that you left him.

"Oh dear." Zhongli muttered under his breath as he quickly ran out of the alleyway and went to search for you. He knows each citizen within Liyue Harbor, especially those who have visions.

He also knows a certain exorcist that can potentially harm you. Especially since you're a demon.


You continued to walk around the harbor, you ended up on the docks as you watched the boats and ships that come and go. You noticed a few children were playing on some of the boats as well.

You could get use to this. Strolling around freely without anyone wanting to pick a fight with you.

Your peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted when someone quickly stuck a small rectangular paper to your forehead. You felt the paper began to glow as a cooling sensation began to spread throughout your body.

"Evil spirit, begone!" a voice exclaimed.

"How rude. I was only minding my own business." you said as you peeled off the paper from your forehead and glanced towards a male with light blue hair and eyes. The male narrowed his eyes at you in suspicion as he held more blue papers between his fingers.

"Your entire body is full of negative energy that it almost feels suffocating! Therefore, I can only assume that you're an evil demon! Now, begone!" the male stated as he stuck more of his blue papers all over you.

You merely blinked in reply as you stared at the male with a small smile. You don't even feel anything happening to you nor do you even feel any pain.

"By any chance.. are you a priest of some sort?" you asked the male, making him look at you as if you had grown two heads.

"Priest.. I- no! I'm an exorcist!" the male replied.

"Isn't that what priests would usually do? They exorcise people with holy water too." you stated with a small shrug, feeling yourself becoming amused at the male's reactions.

"They're different! I don't work at a church all the time! I exorcise demons like you!" the male yelled out in frustration, some of the people that were around the area were starting to look at the two of you.

"Me? A demon? You must have gotten it all wrong, good sir. I'm just a normal person like you except without a vision. If you're an exorcist then you're a bad one, you're harming a human." you lied, trying to see if you can turn the tables around the male.

You can see the people around were whispering among themselves. A large grin formed on your face as you gave the male a look that showed you won. The male started to became flustered at the sudden attention of the crowd as he quickly grabbed your hand and ran away from the people's eyes.

The male led you towards a different area by the docks where there aren't much people around. You quickly pulled your hand away from the male as you watched him try to regain his composure.

"Are you going to continue throwing those blue papers of yours towards me or will you now leave me alone?" you asked the male as you crossed your arms over your chest. Maybe you shouldn't have left Zhongli behind and wandered around an area you don't know.

"I'll leave you alone, I'm sorry about what I did. It's just that, you're so full of negative energy that other exorcists can identify you as a demon or an evil spirit. So.. will you tell me why you have negative energy?" the male questioned as he looked at you.

'Crap.. I can't let him know I'm a demon.' you thought to yourself as you grinned at the boy.

"The reason for that is.. I see dead people?" you replied unsurely, hoping the boy would take it.

You didn't expect the male to be looking at you with amazement, you could almost see stars in his eyes.

"You also see dead people?! Oh, I forgot my manners, my name is Chongyun. I am an exorcist." the male, now known as Chongyun, exclaimed.

"(Y/N). It's nice to meet you." you replied with a small grin.

"It's a possible reason why you have negative energy. I heard some people can see the dead as well and they have negative energy within them but its mostly being overpowered by their positive energy. You must be born with this ability, unlike others who suddenly gained it out of the blue." Chongyun muttered, you sweatdropped at the muttering boy as you nodded along to his theory, not even understanding a single bit.

"Say, how about you become my partner and we go exorcise evil spirits?" Chongyun suggested.

You were about to reply when another boy with somewhat dark blue hair, uneven bangs and a very peculiar outfit walked up towards Chongyun.

"There you are! I can't believe you just left me while I was discussing about my book! Now hurry up, we gotta go visit Xiangling!" the boy exclaimed as he dragged Chongyun to who knows where, Chongyun could only look at the male then at you with a defeated pout.

"What a strange duo." you muttered to yourself as you shrugged and went on to explore the rest of Liyue harbor.


"Excuse me, miss! Would you like to buy a coffin for yourself? You never know when you might die and we offer discounts as well!"


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