Chapter 29

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You leaned against the doorway of the bathroom in Aether's room as you watched him remove the bandages on his arm. You adjusted the sleeves of your dress shirt as you crossed your arms in front of your chest, your tailcoat still hung against a chair you placed last night.

You felt your grin becoming strained as you grimaced at the bite you left on Aether's arm, slight regret pooling within you when it scarred the blonde's upper arm. You turned your gaze towards Aether to see him give you a gentle smile.

"It's healed. Doesn't hurt anymore." Aether exclaimed, moving and flexing his arm around with a small grin on his face.

'True.. but it left a scar and it's somehow hurting me on the inside. Wait what?' you thought to yourself in shock.

'That's weird. Since when did I feel hurt inside? Am I sick..? Is this curse getting through my head now..?' you thought, holding your chin in thought as you subconsciously nodded towards Aether and went to retrieve your tailcoat.

"Good morning Paimon, darling." you greeted as you walked past Paimon who sat up on her sleeping spot and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning (Y/N)... EH?!" Paimon yelled out, making you turn towards her to see if she was hurt while Aether ran out of the bathroom with a worried and alert look.

"What's going on?! Did the man that attacked (Y/N) came here again?!" Aether questioned while you looked at Paimon in confusion when she pointed at you.

"(Y/N)! S-she.. behind her.." Paimon trailed off as she floated towards you, making you take a few steps back.

"Just spit it out, Paimon. What's wrong with (Y/N)?" Aether asked, looking between you and your floating companion.

"A tail! Look! (Y/N) has a tail!" Paimon exclaimed, pointing behind at your backside.

You turned your head and looked down to notice your tail was sticking out, wagging slightly. You facepalmed at yourself when you forgot about the fluffy tail as you grabbed your tailcoat and quickly put it on.

"You. Did. Not. See. Anything." you stated, buttoning up your tailcoat while making sure your tail was hidden well underneath the clothing.

"It looks so cute and fluffy! Can Paimon touch it?" Paimon questioned, leaning closer to your face with stars forming in her eyes.

"Ha! No! In your dreams, darling! The tail is off-limits!" you answered, booping Paimon's nose and gently push her face away from yours.

Paimon pouted at your answer as she turned towards Aether and saw the blush appearing on the blonde's cheeks.

"What's the matter, Aether? Are you blushing? Oh ho ho I see what's going on." Paimon teased as she wiggled her eyebrows towards Aether.

"What are you talking about?" Aether exclaimed, turning around to hide his flustered face and avoid Paimon's teasing.

"Paimon's pretty sure you know what Paimon meant!" Paimon stated.

"We're leaving for Liyue Harbor, come on!" Aether announced, you watched in amusement when Aether tried to swat Paimon away from while she continued to tease him.


"(Y/N), if you see the man again, quickly tell me. I'll protect you from him." Aether exclaimed as he grabbed your hand and began to walk outside of Wangshu Inn.

"Man? What man? Did something happened and Paimon wasn't told?" Paimon asked as she floated beside you with a confused look.

"Oh right. You didn't told me what he looks like, (Y/N)." Aether stated, stopping in his tracks as he looked around the area you three are in to make sure no one is following you.

"Well, he has short black and teal hair, amber eyes, strange clothing I can't describe and sometimes a mask. He also uses a spear." you replied, trying to remember the events of last night.

"How tall is he?" Paimon asked.

"Not that tall. Maybe the same height as me but shorter than Aether?" you answered, tapping your cheek in thought. You felt a piercing gaze coming from Wangshu Inn as you quickly turned your head and scanned the establishment but found nothing, making you narrow your eyes while you followed behind your companions and continued on your walk.

"Well, whoever that guy is, he'll have to answer to Aether when he sees him!" Paimon exclaimed with a proud look on her face as she raised a fist in the air.

"I look forward to see Aether fight him one day, then." you replied, giving your blonde friend a grin, making him blush and return your grin.

"Anyways, we're here! Liyue Harbor!" Paimon announced.

"If you're gonna find the Geo Archon, this is the only chance you'll get all year. It's a good thing we came here or else we would have missed this year's Rite of Descension." Paimon added with a small grin.

"It's a good thing Venti informed us earlier. Although it still made me both confused and curious when he winked at us. Is that bard hiding something from us?" you asked, Aether and Paimon shrugging in reply as your group explored Liyue Harbor.

"Any idea when and where this Rite of Descension is going to happen?" you asked as you looked at the people and buildings around you, noting their strange clothings and their culture.

"No idea.. but it wouldn't hurt to ask the locals. Come on." Aether replied as he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. You didn't notice Paimon seeing both yours and Aether's hand with a smirk on her face as she followed closely behind you two.


"Come on, (Y/N)! We can't miss this event!" Paimon called out as she and Aether looked at you.

"I really don't see the point in watching a god come down from the sky, dear. The god can trip on air for all I care. This is just too boring!" you replied, watching in amusement as Paimon pulled you towards the crowd that gathered around for the Rite of Descension.

"Just hurry up! Who knows, maybe Rex Lapis can help us with your curse! Paimon doesn't want (Y/N) to turn to stone! Who'll cook delicious meals for Paimon?" Paimon exclaimed as she looked at you with teary eyes while you looked at her with a raised brow.

"Aether can cook too." you replied, a large grin plastered on your face as you gestured towards Aether.

"Well yeah but still.. you cook better than him!" Paimon retaliated, making you let out a laugh.

"Alright alright, you won me over with your flattery. I just want this stupid curse gone so we can find Aether's sister much more faster." you stated, watching Paimon bounce up and down while cheering in happiness.

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