Chapter 30

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"We gotta get up front! We can't really see anything from here." Paimon exclaimed, floating above the crowd and heading upfront. Aether stood on his toes and looked around the sea of people before turning back to you and held out his hand, making you confused.

"Come on. We don't wanna get separated in this crowd." Aether stated, smiling towards you when you held his hand as the two of you made your way to the front of the crowd to get a better view.

"That's Lady Ningguang over there." Aether informed you as you both looked at the woman with strange yet beautiful clothes and watched as she began the ritual for the event.

"This is starting to get boring.." you muttered with a small grin, noticing Aether gently squeezing your hand.

"It'll be alright, (Y/N). Maybe something will happen that will make this event more fun for you." Aether stated, giving you a grin as you both saw the sky becoming dark.

"Dear, the only thing I can think of that will make this little event entertaining is if Rex Lapis falls from the sky and died." you replied when you suddenly saw a large dragon falling from the sky and watched as it crashed onto the ground. You felt your grin widening as you watched Ningguang closely when she inspected the large dragon.

"Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!" Ningguang shouted.

"I take back what I said about this being boring. This is spectacular! Truly entertaining! I'm glad we got the front row view!" you happily exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across your face as you clapped your hands. Aether and Paimon looked at you with wide eyes as you tilted your head at them.

"What? Are you suspecting that I did this? How foolish of you two, I was here the whole time watching the scene with you! Ahaha! If I knew who the Geo Archon a long time ago then he would have already been dead from me!" you exclaimed with a laugh as your group watched numerous guards enter the area with their weapons in hand.

"Oh no, the Millelith! Paimon's freaking out! The killer is amongst us!" Paimon stated, her voice filled with panic.

"Now that is suspicious, dear!" you replied with a chuckle when Paimon suddenly shook your shoulders.

"Now is not the time to be laughing, (Y/N)! How are you even calm in this situation?!" Paimon asked.

"Trust me, dear. Hell has a lot of people dying in different ways. The current situation we are in is simply a normal day in Hell for me." you replied as you watched some Millelith interrogate a citizen.

"If you'd like, I can teleport us out of here." you suggested as you raised your hand to snap your fingers but Aether quickly grabbed your hand.

"Remember (Y/N), no powers. The Geo Archon is dead and we don't have a clue on how to get rid of your curse except from him. Don't use your powers too much." Aether exclaimed.

"What do you suggest we do then, darling?" you asked, watching as Aether intertwined his fingers with yours and began to move ahead.

"We can get out of here without using your powers. We'll just have to sneak around." Aether answered as he pulled you with him to hide behind some buildings.

You held Paimon in your arms as you followed behind Aether to get away from the Millelith. You watched Aether peek around the corner before looking back to you and gestured for you to follow him. Your ears perked up when you heard the sound of leaves crunching as you looked down to see Aether stepping on some leaves.

You and your companions saw the Millelith look in your directions as you and Aether dashed off, Paimon held onto you tightly as you ran down the stairs.

"Hold it right there!" one of the Millelith exclaimed as he pointed his weapon at your throat, your group being surrounded.

"Honestly, what is with everyone pointing something sharp at my neck? Can't you point it somewhere else?" you asked with a grin as Paimon yelped when she saw the Millelith's weapon pressed itself onto your neck but you didn't budge.

Aether harshly glared at the Millelith who pointed his weapon at you while summoning his own blade. You grabbed the weapon against your neck as you grinned at the Millelith, showing off your sharp teeth. You held back the Millelith when he tried to push the tip of his weapon at you, holding Paimon close to your chest as she hid her face in your tailcoat.

"Hey girlie, hold still."

You saw a blast of energy appear behind you and towards the Milleliths, making them stagger back as their weapons were knocked away from their hands. You and Aether watched as a ginger haired male jumped in front of you and take down the Milleliths, knocking them unconscious.

"Come with me." the male stated as he looked back at you with a small smile before running off. You and Aether shared a glance before catching up to the strange male.


"Phew! Paimon's exhausted!" Paimon exclaimed in your arms as she wiped away some invisible sweat. Aether lightly glared at Paimon as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're one to talk. (Y/N) was carrying you the whole time and you're the one being tired?" Aether replied as he watched Paimon pout at him.

"Now now, you two. I think this is not the time to be bickering." you stated as Paimon floated out of your arms.

"Yeah! Aether is just jealous because (Y/N) carried Paimon and not him!" Paimon yelled, making you raise a brow while Aether's face turned red. The male who saved your group was confused at the scene in front of him.

"Wait a minute! Just who are you exactly?" Paimon asked as she pointed at the ginger haired male. "Call me Childe." the male answered, making you a bit confused.

"That's a.. very strange name you have, dear." you replied with a small grin.

"Haha, it's an alias of sorts. In Mondstadt, I don't suppose you came across a 'Signora' by any chance?" Childe asked when he suddenly felt the change of atmosphere.

"Signora.. Childe.. you're a fatui! One of The Harbingers!" Paimon exclaimed with a loud gasp. Aether looked at you to see blood dripping from the corners of your mouth and strange red symbols floating around your entire figure.

"(Y/N).." Aether gently called out as he watched you walk closer to Childe.

"Tell me, my dear..." you trailed off as you stared at the ginger's ocean blue eyes with a large sharp grin on your face.

"Where is Signora?"

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now