Chapter 17

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"(Y/N)!" Paimon called out as she flew towards you and showed you a rose. "Paimon got you a rose!" Paimon happily exclaimed as she held it out towards you, Aether walking behind her after closing the tavern's door.

"My, that's very sweet of you, Paimon but I don't think I'm worthy to receive such gifts from you." you replied, making Paimon and Aether confused.

"Just take the rose! Come on! We saw them earlier and it reminded us of you because it's red!" Paimon said as she took one of your hands and placed the rose in your palm.

You gently held the rose between your fingers as you looked at Paimon and grinned. You placed the rose behind Paimon's ear and gently patted her head. "I think it looks great on you, my dear!" you complimented, making Paimon smile.

"Hey, don't forget about me as well. I also got you a rose and I know just where to put it." Aether said. Your eyes slightly widened when Aether stood in front of you and leaned closer.

"Don't move please. I won't touch your ears, if that makes you uncomfortable." Aether reassured as you felt him gently place the stem of the rose in your hair, making sure it won't fall before leaning away.

"There!" Aether happily exclaimed with a proud smile as Paimon floated beside him to look at his work. "Whoa! It looks great on (Y/N)!" Paimon happily cheered as she shook Aether's shoulder in delight.

"Look (Y/N)! Now we match!" Paimon said as she hugged your arm. "That is amazing, dear!" you replied with a chuckle as you patted her head.

"So, what's wrong with Venti over there?" Aether asked as he pointed towards the passed out bard on the counter.

"He drank a lot of dandelion wine. He kept laughing and muttering a lot of things until he just passes out." you answered Aether as you walked towards Venti to wake him up.

You managed to wake Venti up by shaking him rapidly. Venti looked around the area until he saw Aether and Paimon.

"Oh! You're here!" Venti stated.

The door to the tavern opened as you all saw Diluc come in, following behind him was Jean.

"Jean?" Aether questioned while you stood beside him with a grin. You watched as Jean's eyes widened as she looked between you and Aether.

"Wait..(Y/N)? Aether?" Jean exclaimed in surprise as she pointed at the two of you. All of you turned to look at Diluc, waiting for an answer.

"Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, she came here as 'Jean' herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight." Diluc explained.

'Oh my, things are becoming more and more interesting..' you thought as Jean looked over at Aether then towards you.

"So, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal.. is that true?" Jean asked.

"That's right! Aether and (Y/N) are putting themselves on the front line to try and resolve this Stormterror issue." Venti replied as he gestured towards you and Aether. 'Awfully bold of you to assume I am here to help..' you thought as you looked at the others with an amused expression.

"I believe you." Jean exclaimed, making Diluc look at her in shock. "As the Acting Grand Master, I cannot make such a statement publicly. Diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue." Jean explained.

'Why not just kill the Fatui and make these things much easier..?' you thought when you suddenly felt the tension between Diluc and Jean.

"My! This is awkward!" you stated, Paimon nodding in agreement as you summoned your staff.

"We have to retrieve the Holy Lyre inside the Fatui's base. Diluc was able to acquire some information on the location of the item. I will be staying here in Mondstadt to avoid any suspicion to the Fatui. It's up to you on who will be retrieving the Holy Lyre." Jean stated, crossing her arms.

"(Y/N) and Master Diluc should go and retrieve the Holy Lyre instead. Jean and the Honorary Knight can stay here and keep an eye on the Fatui in case they do anything suspicious." Venti suggested.

"Sounds like a plan then." Jean replied while Diluc gave a nod of agreement.

"(Y/N), be careful out there." Aether exclaimed as he looked at you in worry. "Yeah! Paimon will be sad if you don't come back to cook for Paimon!" Paimon added.

You let out a small chuckle as you gave the two a reassuring pat on the head. "I assure you both that I will come back. You should be worrying about the Fatui instead." you stated, giving the two a crazed grin as you noticed Diluc and Jean discussing something in the corner.

"Aw! You guys look so sweet!" Venti exclaimed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Don't worry too much about our dear (Y/N). I'm sure she'll come back without a single scratch!" Venti added as he reached out his hand towards your head, aiming for your ears to pet them.


Paimon shrieked when she heard the sound of bones breaking as you snapped your neck in an inhumane way. Aether looked at you in shock and worry while Venti quickly let go of you and hid behind the blonde male.

"(Y/N)! Your neck! It's broken! Uhh what do we do?!" Paimon panicked as she looked at Aether and Venti while glancing at you.

The three watched in shock as your neck returned to normal while you grinned at them like nothing happened at all.

"(Y/N), let's go." Diluc called out at the door, waiting for you.

You looked towards him and grinned wider. "My, that's the first time I hear you say my name, darling!" you exclaimed with a small laugh.

Aether glared at Diluc when he saw his face flushed red as Diluc looked away and headed out of the tavern.

You turned back towards your companions and bowed. "We'll be off then! Don't wait too long!" you said as you teleported outside the tavern.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now