Chapter 26

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You held your head in your hands as you sat down on the couch inside the inn you and your traveling companions reside in. Your vision became blurry while your mind swirled with countless thoughts, thinking of various things that all leads to one simple word.


You felt your drool dripping down your chin as you tried to control yourself. Your hunger was becoming much more worse than you thought. You already ate all the stock of raw meat you and Aether managed to obtain but it didn't satiate your hunger.

Making a mental note to hunt and refill your inventory later, you slowly stood up from the couch but fell to the floor instead. You lightly groaned at the sudden impact of the floor as you clutched your stomach, trying to compose yourself.

You shouldn't make too much noise. You might wake up your friends.


They wouldn't mind if you eat them, right..?

You quickly shook your head, erasing such thoughts of consuming Aether or Paimon.

You have to get out of the inn or else you might really eat either of the two. You looked outside the window and towards the night sky. You guessed it was now probably midnight, meaning there won't be any citizen roaming around the streets. No one will be devoured by you, how lucky.

You were too lost in thought that you didn't notice someone walking towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

Your instincts took over as you quickly snapped your head to look at the person and quickly grabbed them by the shoulders. You heard the sounds of someone grunting as you pinned the person down on the floor, straddling them by the waist as you tried to bite them. Your eyes became radio dials while your antlers grew larger.

The person beneath you kept struggling, trying to push you off but you held a firm grip on their shoulders. Your eyes looked around for any exposed flesh the person has.

You noticed an opening at the upper arm and opened your mouth, biting the soft flesh. You heard the person below you groan in pain as they stopped struggling.

"(Y/N).." you heard a familiar voice gently call out your name and felt someone caress your cheek.

The scent of blood filled your nose as your eyes and antlers returned to normal, snapping you awake to reality. You pulled away and slowly looked down to see Aether giving you a gentle smile.

"Aether.." you muttered out as you quickly let go of the blonde's shoulders and looked at his arm.

Your eyes widened in shock when you noticed a large bite mark was imprinted on his upper arm. You felt your smile becoming strained when you tasted blood on your tongue.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry." you muttered out as Aether slowly sat up and held his arm in pain.

"It's alright. I know you didn't mean to do it, you were just hungry. I guess the meat wasn't enough?" Aether asked, letting out a small chuckle as he offered his bloody arm towards you.

"I know it's not much and it probably won't make you full but I hope it can help." Aether stated, giving you an encouraging smile.

You shook your head, giving Aether a look as if he grew two heads.

"Aether, no. You're becoming crazy, you're losing blood." you exclaimed, manifesting a cloth out of thin air and began to away the blood on Aether's arm.

"I'm not crazy, (Y/N). I am offering you my arm so you can eat. You're famished and I don't want that." Aether replied pulling his arm away from you and quickly regretted it when he winced in pain.

You summoned a roll of bandages and wrapped it around Aether's wound. Muttering an apology when you noticed Aether hiss in pain. You let out a small sigh once Aether is all patched up.

"Alright. Go back to bed, darling. I'll be going out to hunt." you stated, standing up and dusting off your clothes. You were about to walk away when you felt arms wrap around your waist, making you fall to the ground again. You looked down to see it was Aether who grabbed you.

"Aether, darling. Would you kindly let go?" you asked but Aether shook his head.

"I'm coming with you to hunt." Aether exclaimed while letting out a yawn.

"No, dear. You're going to sleep." you replied, placing a finger on Aether's nose and slowly pushing him away.

"No. I don't want you to be alone out there." Aether explained, pouting at you.

"Fine. I'm not going to leave. Just go to sleep, dear." you stated.

"What? But your hunger.." Aether trailed off when you suddenly placed your finger against his lips, shushing him.

"I'm alright now, thank you. Please, go to sleep." you exclaimed, watching curiously as Aether gently remove your finger against his lips and intertwine his fingers with yours.

"I'll sleep, only if you do as well. I know you don't sleep much but it will be okay. I'll protect you while you sleep." Aether encouraged, giving you a pleading look.

"That's adorable, dear but if it will make you stop bothering me then I'll try to sleep. Kindly let go of me." you replied, making Aether confused while you looked at him.

"I do not want to sleep on a dirty floor, mind you. I doubt the couch could even fit two people." you explained, Aether finally understanding what you meant when he realized he was hugging you on the floor.

"I think we could sleep on the couch. We can fit." Aether suggested, standing up with you and heading towards the couch, his hands not letting go of yours.

You watched as Aether laid down on the couch and pulled you on top of him. You let out a small yelp and found yourself laying down on Aether's chest. Aether let out another yawn while you listened to his heartbeat, feeling yourself becoming more calmer from every beat.

"Good night, (Y/N)." Aether mumbled out, placing a small kiss on your forehead as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Good night, Aether." you replied, feeling your eyelids becoming heavy as Aether's heartbeats lulled you to sleep.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now