Chapter 28

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You and Paimon stood behind Aether as you watched him talk to the owner of Wangshu Inn, Verr Goldet. Paimon clapped beside you once Aether managed to get two rooms for you all to stay in.

"Paimon takes one room! Aether and (Y/N) shares the other!" Paimon exclaimed as she flew towards Aether to grab one of the keys to the rooms but Aether held it out of Paimon's reach.

"No, Paimon. You and I are going to share one room while the other goes to (Y/N)." Aether informed as he tried to hide his blush from Paimon's declaration.

"What?! Why does (Y/N) get to be on her own in a single room while Paimon has to share one with you?" Paimon asked, placing her hands on her hips as she looked at Aether with a raised brow. You were about to say something but Aether quickly beat you to it.

"Because (Y/N) needs privacy, Paimon. And no, you can't share the room with her just because you're both girls. (Y/N) wouldn't like it if you annoy her too much." Aether retaliated as he handed you your room key while Paimon threw a tantrum.

"You're lying! (Y/N) wouldn't mind spending time with Paimon!" Paimon exclaimed as Aether grabbed her and began to head towards the room they will be sharing, Paimon struggling to get out of his grip.

"Our room is across from yours, (Y/N). You're free to enter our room if you want or if anything happens." Aether told you with a gentle smile on his face as you bid him goodnight and watched him enter their room.

You walked towards your room and entered inside, looking around and observing your surroundings with fascination in your eyes.

"Not bad.. if I could use my powers right now, I could've changed this room into something more to my tastes." you stated as you walked closer to the bed and sat down.

You let out a sigh as you laid back on your bed, raising your hand in the air to look at the cursed mark. You felt your fingertips becoming a little stiff when you placed your cursed hand on a pillow and didn't feel the texture.

"Oh my, don't tell me I'm turning into stone.." you muttered, using your other hand to trail your fingers against the golden lines covering your right hand.

You felt a new presence not too far from you as you sat up and looked towards the window of your room. A grin erupted from your face when you saw a male figure standing on top of the window sill. The male has short black to teal hair while his piercing amber eyes stared straight through your soul.

"Hello there! It's rude to stare at someone while standing on the window of their room!" you exclaimed, letting out a small yelp as you quickly dodged a spear heading towards your head.

"Ahaha! That was close! Is this how you treat guests?" you asked. Grabbing a pillow nearby and appearing behind the man, whacking his head with the soft material.

"Guest or not. All demons must die." the male stated with an angered look as he chased you around the room, knocking multiple furnitures to the ground.

"Oh come on now, I'm just a friendly neighborhood demon!" you replied, hiding behind a chair and blocking the male's spear with the pillow. Your eyes widened in surprise when the male quickly appeared behind you.

"Die, demon scum!" the man yelled, slicing the pillow in half as he grabbed your neck and pinned you to the wall. You saw the man now has a strange mask covering his face as you tried to get out of his grip.

"You must've misunderstood! Maybe we can talk this out?" you asked, a large grin spreading on your face as you looked around the damaged room for any weapon to use.

"Or maybe not..." you choked out when you felt the man tightened his grip on your neck. You noticed the male's breathing becoming heavy, trying his best to hide it as he pressed the tip of his spear to your neck.

"You're straining yourself. I could be wrong but I noticed your change in speed when you have that mask on yet your attack is a bit sloppy. Is it because of the mask?" you asked, grinning to yourself when you managed to caught the male off guard.

"Forgive me for doing this but I don't plan on dying in this world." you stated with a small chuckle as the male noticed your eyes glinting red.

You held the spear away from your neck and wrapped your legs around the male's torso, pulling him close to you. You placed your other arm around the male's neck and leaned closer towards his ear.

"Since you're over-exerting your body.. I suggest you take a rest, dear." you whispered as you snapped your fingers.

A portal appeared behind the male as black tendrils slithered out of it and took hold of the male, making him surprised and let go of his hold on you. You dropped down to the floor as you watched the male struggle to get out of the tendrils. You gritted your teeth when you felt an immense amount of pain course through you as you watched the curse spread further into you.

"Goodnight to you, sir. Have some good rest." you stated as you teleported out of the room and headed to where Aether was.

The man tried to get out of the tendrils' grip but failed when it grabbed his spear and tucked him into bed. The mask covering the male's face disappeared as he stared in shock when he saw the tendrils fix the damaged room.

Once the room was tidied up, the male watched the tendrils placed his spear besides the wall and patted his head before going back into the portal and disappeared.

"What the hell.." the male muttered as he laid on the bed, still processing the events that happened before him.


Aether stared back at your grinning self with worry in his eyes.

"(Y/N)? Why are you here? Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Is the curse getting worse?" Aether questioned as he sat up from the bed and looked you over for any injuries.

"I'm fine, darling. I just thought that maybe I can stay here for the rest of the night to make sure the man doesn't ambush your room." you stated, referring to the man currently in your room as Aether's eyes widened in shock.

"What?! Someone ambushed you in your room?! What did he do to you?" Aether exclaimed, standing up from the bed while summoning his sword.

"More like what did I do to him.. but nothing to worry, dear. May I remind you that I am a demon with tricks up my sleeves." you replied as you placed your hand on Aether's shoulder and calmed him down.

"Let me see your hand, (Y/N). Your curse.. did you use your powers?" Aether asked as he held your hand that was on his shoulder.

Your grin turned into a smile as you removed your tailcoat, neatly placing it on a chair while rolling up the sleeves of your dress shirt. Both you and Aether looked at your hand to see the curse already spread through your forearm.

"I'm guessing this curse is going to turn me into stone if I keep using my powers. I can't feel anything I touch but I can still move my hand, although it's a bit stiff than usual." you exclaimed, flexing your fingers as you looked back at Aether.

You watched as Aether gently took your hand and cradled it in his, caressing your knuckles with a somber look in his eyes. You felt weird when you saw that look on his face, not liking it one bit.

"You don't have to be saddened about this, darling. I'm sure we can find a way to remove this curse." you stated, noting Aether's fingers intertwining yours.

"I may not feel much on my hand due to the curse but somehow I can feel the warmth coming from your hand." you added, giving Aether a grin as he smiled at you in return.

"We're leaving to head to Liyue Harbor tomorrow morning. I'll make sure to protect you if the person who ambushed you today comes back. Just stay close to me so that I can watch over you. I'm sure that once we find the Geo Archon, they can maybe help remove the curse." Aether exclaimed, gently pulling your intertwined hands close to him and placed a kiss on your knuckles.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now