Chapter 1

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You let out a small groan as you opened your eyes to see everything around you being very bright. You sat up and slowly rubbed your eyes until your vision became clearer. You looked around your surroundings and noticed you were at a cliffside beach. "How.. strange." you mumbled as you stood up and dusted your outfit to get rid of the sand.

"Alright, enough of this dilly dally. I have to get back to the hotel! Can't have the Princess of Hell start the business on her own without someone to watch her fail!" you joked and played a laughing track as you summoned your microphone staff and drew a pentagram on the sand.

"Time to go back to hell!" you exclaimed to no one in particular as you stepped inside the pentagram and tapped it with the butt end of your staff.




'Odd..' you thought as you looked at the microphone on your staff and lightly tapped it with a finger. You watched as an eye slowly open itself on the microphone. It looked around its surroundings warily until its gaze landed on you, letting out a happy screeching sound.

'My staff functions normally.. yet why can't I teleport back..? It always works whenever I travel to the human world and back to hell...' you thought to yourself as you patted your microphone and scanned the area around you.

"I suppose we're going to have to take a look around this strange new place. Shall we?" you asked your microphone, static evident in your voice. The microphone blinked at you a few times and let out a low, happy screech.

You let out a chuckle and grinned wider. "That's the spirit, my friend!" you exclaimed as you began your walk on the beach.


You wandered around the beach, humming a tune to yourself as you observed the scenery around you.

"Oohh another crab! Paimon will give this to Aether so we can maybe have good dinner tonight!"

You heard a voice shout from a far and quickened your pace. As you neared the voice, you saw a small child that seemed to be... floating?

"Now that is strange.. I never knew humans can now float in mid-air. Although it seems impossible to do so unless they use magic or spells." you thought aloud, unaware that the figure heard you.

"Huh? Who's there?! Show yourself or else... uh.. Paimon will throw a rock at you!" you heard the child exclaim with a high pitched voice  as you let out a small laugh.

Deciding to make a good first impression, you put on a large grin and placed your hands behind your back as you walked towards the floating child.

You watched as the figure looked at you and noticed it's eyes widening in shock.




You watched in amusement as the floating child scrambled in mid-air and quickly flew away from you. 'I normally don't chase down children but since I'm in a place I don't know, maybe they can give me some information on that white haired woman from earlier.' you thought as your shadow formed beneath you. You nodded at your shadow figure as it gave a wicked smile in return and disappeared away.

Your grin widened as you made your staff disappear and walked to the direction the floating child went to. Your hair swaying with each step you took as you neared the cries coming from, what you guessed was, the floating child.


You saw your shadow holding the floating child by its leg. You walked closer to the two and inspected the floating child. "Hm.. aren't you an adorable little thing? Perhaps you'll make a fine meal..?" you exclaimed as you laughed and poked the child's cheek.

"N-NO! PAIMON WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO EAT PAIMON!" Paimon, you guessed it was its name because of the strange way it speaks in third person, said.

"If anyone's going to eat Paimon, it's going to be me. She's my emergency food after all."

You all heard a voice behind you as you turned only to see a male with blonde hair, that's tied into a braid, pointing his blade at you.

"PAIMON IS NOT EMERGENCY FOOD!" Paimon shrieked as your shadow let go of its hold on her and disappear back to you.

"What took you so long, Aether?! Paimon was about to get eaten if you weren't so late!" Paimon told the blonde male, which you assumed is Aether since Paimon kept yelling it.

"I was cleaning up our camp. It's your fault for wandering off too far without me."

You gave a smile as you observed the bickering duo. Your brows furrowed in confusion at the way the two were dressed but you still kept up your smile.

"Anyway, who are you?" the blonde male asked as he looked at you warily, sword still pointed at you. You let out a small chuckle and pushed the blade aside as you grabbed the boy's hand in yours and shake it very rapidly.

"My name is (Y/N)! Pleased to meet you! Quite pleased indeed! No need to introduce yourselves because your floating companion already shouted out both of your names towards the heavens!" you exclaimed with a laugh, the static being heard from your voice. The boy, Aether, removes his hand from your grasp to which you ignored.

"Paimon thinks your voice is weird! And your teeth and nails are sharp too!" Paimon said with wide eyes as you turned to her.

"This is my voice, of course. My friends, the two of you are looking at a demon! Straight out of hell! But not to worry, if I wanted to hurt any of you, I would have done so already." you replied as you gave Paimon a wide grin.

"Why were you trying to eat Paimon then?" Paimon asked as she pointed an accusing finger at you. "Why, I wasn't planning to eat you, dear. I was merely going to ask for help but you quickly flew away before I can even explain myself." you answered.

"Help?" Aether asked. "Yes, help! I would like to ask if you two know of any white haired woman with orange eyes? She's the one who transported me into this strange world, you see." you explained.

"That sounds like the same person who separated me from my sister." Aether stated. "The unknown god! Then that means you're also from another world!" Paimon exclaimed as you nodded in reply, unsure on how to answer.

"Paimon says we should look for the unknown god that took away Aether's sister while also looking for a way to help (Y/N) go back to her world! We can start by looking for the seven Gods that rules over Teyvat and ask them!" Paimon stated as she and Aether looked at you for an answer.

"Sounds like a plan." you stated with a grin as Paimon cheered while Aether gave you a smile.

"Then let's go! Paimon will lead the way!" Paimon exclaimed as she floated away to a different direction, leaving you and Aether.

"Let us be off! We don't want our floating companion leaving us, don't we?" you said as you patted Aether's shoulder and followed Paimon.

"My, this is going to be very entertaining." you muttered as you felt your grin widened.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now