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The next day was the big day, Zara's mother wedding. She was rushing to get ready, she had overslept because last night she had stayed up, trying to heal Derek. He wasn't so grateful because when she woke up he was gone. She stared in the mirror, just looking at herself, trying to find one thing she didn't hate about herself and to no surprise she couldn't find one.

"Wow." Isaac paused, as soon as he saw her. "You look.. beautiful." He didn't know how much she need that. 

Her cheeks turned pink, she couldn't help but blush. "What are you doing here?" She turned to him.

"Your mom asked me to come early and help set up." He moved a little closer to her. "I actually just help your brother pick out a tux. You wouldn't believe what he was trying to wear." Isaac said, trying to lighten up the tension.

"Oh you should see what he tried to wear to his 5th grade graduation." She laughed and wasn't at all surprised.

"Come on kids." Michael shouted from downstairs.
Isaac reached out his hand, waiting for Zara to grab it. She wanted to pause and think, but before she knew it, she was holding his hand.

"You heard him." Liam busted through the door and shouted, immediately leaving after.

• • •

The wedding was being held at a outside venue, when they arrived, the guest where just starting to fill the seats. The crowd kind of made Zara nervous, she just needed a moment so she walked inside. She began taking deep breath's, clenching her fist.

"Are you okay?" Stiles came up behind her.

Zara anxiety was already high so she jumped just hearing his voice. "Yes." She pauses. "I'm fine."

Stiles slowly walks closer to her, trying not to make her anymore nervous then what she already was. "You know, I understand how this feels. You used watched me after these all the time."

Zara wiped her sweaty hands, on the side of her dress. "I'm just nervous." She pauses. "I have to stand in front of all those people and watch my mom marry someone she barley knows."

"I heard Michael asked Isaac to be his best man, you'll have him right by you side." Stiles helps her sit down, as he sits beside her.

"Some how that doesn't help." She places her head in her hands, trying to think of any reason not to run out.

Stiles grabs her hand. "Then look out for me and Scott. We'll be right there if you need it."

Zara looked a Stiles and as soon as their eyes met, they both paused. A smile bloomed across both of their faces. Her anxiety felt like it just flooded away.

"You ready.." Isaac came in excited but seeming how close Stiles and Zara were stopped him. "ohh."

He couldn't help but think negative, I mean their relationship recent was everything but perfect.
Zara and Stiles jumped up out their seat. She nodded her head and walked out the room, expecting Isaac to be not that fair behind her.
Stiles began walking out but Isaac grabbed his wrist. "I don't know what that was but let's not have it happen again." Isaac felt so jealous his eyes began to glow yellow.

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