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Zara gasped for air as she jumped back up. She looks around to see herself deep in the dark woods but not any familiar parts, that she would've known. She slowly got up, taking her time to look around. She moves past the tall trees and behind them was a late. She looked around and saw nothing, she grew scared of the darkness.

"Zee?" A voice said, coming from behind her.

The voice sounds so familiar that it sent a warmth and safety down her spine. She swung around and standing right behind her was her dad. She rushed into his arm, grabbing in tightly, she couldn't imagine letting go.

"No." He rushed over to her, grabbing out to touch her. "You can't be here it to early." He pulled away to look at her.

"I'm dead." She looked up at him. "I'm finally at peace." She smiled and grabbed him again.

"No.." His voice broke.

"It's fine, I'm with you now."

He pulled her away again and just looked at her heartbroken.

"Miss me too?." Another voice came behind them.
This time it was her mom and as soon as she looked away her father disappeared.

"Dad?" Zara called out, as she frantically looked around.

"He's fine, we need to talk." Her mother looked at her. "But before we do." She goes in to hug her daughter. "I am so proud of you."

Zara moved back. "Who's my real dad.. mom?" She looked at her heartbroken.

Amelia knew this was coming, she been watching over Zara and Liam since she died.

She didn't need her mom to say anything, the look on her face said it all.

"Who is it?" Zara asked.

Amelia looked away, taking a pause before speaking. "Peter Hale."

Zara break broke, as she slowly backs up. She was disgusted and absolutely terrified.

"You may have transitioned into something like him, but you don't have to be like him." Her mom asked reaching out for her. "He is a monster but you.. aren't." She paused and just looked at her, soaking up this moment. "You not us.."

Her mom grabbed her hand and smiled but it quickly ended once she began to space out.

Zara caught her and immediately tried to snap her out of it. "Mom." She shook her trying to her hardest to wake her up.

Once she did, she gasped her air and was now filled with fear. "You're-you're not dead?" Amelia stuttered to get out. "Did you drink vampire blood?" Her mom asked as she grabbed her face.

Thats when it hit Zara, less than 24 hours before she died. Olive used her blood to heal her. "This can't be happening.." She repeated.

"You're going to be werewolf, witch and.. vampire." She never thought she would ever say those words together. "How is this possible?" Amelia looked kind of amused by this.

Zara looked more scared and confused than her mom at this point, she continued to back up until she bumped into someone.

"You really think you can just zap me away." Her dad reappeared, now causing her mom to disappear. "You're not staying." His face now filled with joy.

"Da.." She began to say buy cut herself off.

"I don't care what blood say, you are my daughter not his." He grabbed her pulled her in. "This may not be how I wanted you to live but now you can live and.. love." He pulled her away, describing all the good things that come from life.

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