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Season Finale

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When Zara woke up, she was locked in a cell. She was a bit dizzy but she was strong enough to stand up. She looked around to see if anyone was around and there was but first thing she noticed, it was the fact that all she could feel was pain. Her mind was racing, every single thing she did when her humanity was off had hit her. Her body fell to the ground as she hid her face. How could she do something so vile.
Tears continued to fall from her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away.

"Zee?" Stiles slowly came into the room to check on her.

She couldn't face him, not after what she had did to him.

"Zara, are you okay?" He asked again.

"Of course not, how could I be." She tried to clear her voice so he wouldn't notice she was crying.

"So it worked?"

She nodded her.

"I'm not mad at you, in fact I understand it's all of the matter of trust."

" Ive hurt you and..." She paused. "and Liam.. oh my gosh Liam." She jumped up and finally faced him. "Where is he?"

"He's okay, he's right out there with Scott and Derek."
Stiles said. "Do you want to see him?"

"No I don't want to see any of yous." Zara hesitate before saying. "I need out of here, I need to go."


"What do you mean no?" Zara grew annoyed and completely offended. "You either get me out of here or I break my way out."

"We can't trust y-." Before he could finish she cut him off.

"I can't trust you either." Zara gets as slow as she can to Stiles.

"Let me out." She compelled him.

He did exactly what he was told and set her free, he had no control anymore.

Zara left and as soon as she got out of sight, Stiles breaks his compulsion and began to panic. He had let her go.. she's gone..

• • •

Olive had taken Malia home after she was completely healed. She laid Malia down across her bed as she slept.
As Olive turned around to leave when she finished, Malia reached out and grabbed her.

"Stay?" Malia asked. "I don't think I feel safe being alone."

Olive sat down next to her, taking a deep breath. When Malia finally closed her mind and when she tried to opened them back up, she was in a dark room. She began to panic and try to find any possible way to escape.

"Oh calm down, we're just in your mind." Kai appeared behind her.

She panicked and quickly turned towards him. "What- Why am I here?"

"You failed." Kai approached her. "You have one job, how could you have failed." He started to raise his voice and her loud.

"What are you talking about." Malia grew scared.

Kai rolled his eyes but then remembered, he made her forget. So he placed both hands on her hand when he removed them it was like it finally came to Malia.

"Oh my gosh- you.. you made me do that?" She stuttered. "I-I kissed him because of you.." She put it together.

Kai had put a spell over Malia that made her do whatever he said. He had Malia make Stiles fall for her. He thought if Zara watched Stiles kiss Malia she would've definitely lost it and finally help him with the coven.

"He loves her, I don't know how you expected me to change that.."

"And you don't love him either." Kai paused. "But there is someone you do like.."

"N-no." She stuttered.

"So how about I make it clear.. again. Break them up, or I go after her.."

Malia knew exactly who he was talking about.. Olive but how did he know, she didn't even know until she had saved her.

"I need Zara to lose it all.. that's the only way she'll ever be strong enough."

Malia wanted to say no but she had no choice. Kai had made sure she was unable to disobey him.

Kai had sent Malia back, once he knew she was fully compliant. She jumped up from her sleep gasping. Olive jumped up too, to comfort her.

"Hey." Olive repeated. "You are okay.. i'm not going to let anything happen."

Malia had completely forgotten what had happen, so she had no idea why she was so scared but she had a sick feeling in her stomach, that it wasn't good.

• • •

Zara waited until she knew Liam was home and safe until she went to check on him. She didn't want to wake him, she just needed to know he was okay. She stood over his bed for a while before sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You could've knocked." Liam finally opened his eyes.

"Didn't think you would want to see me."

"I didn't at first." He paused. "You got your humanity back.. that's all that matters."

She pulled him in for a tight hug, as she felt him finally hug back, tears escaped her eyes. "But.. I need you to know I'm sorry.. you didn't deserve any of that, I was supposed to be the one to protect you but instead I was the one putting you in danger."

He pull back to look at her. "After I turned I started getting these memories back.. little piece that I could never put together." He paused. "You always protected me, even when I had no clue."

"When I erased your memory.."

He nodded his head. "You risked yourself over and over to save me and I never once thanked you."

"You don't need to, thats what big sisters are for." She chuckles.

"When you turned it off, it was the first time you did something for yourself.." He paused. "I understand.. like you said, if I had the chance too, I would."

She pulled him in for another hug but this time she didn't want to let go. "I love you."

• • •

They talked for a little while before Zara headed out, she walked through the town, so many good and bad memories, she couldn't decide if this place was still home.
She knew she had to leave, to get her friends time to heal and herself. So she ended up at the airport a few hours later. She went through security and waited for boarding.

"Mind if I ask where your off too?" An older lady beside her asked.

"London." A big smiled spread across her face, as she got up to go board her plane.

When she arrived in London after hours on a plane, she finally got to her designation. She waited a the door for a bit before knocking. When she did, a feeling of relieved filled her body. When the door opened, there in front of her was Isaac.

"Zara?" He questioned but not in a bad way.

She smiled widely before going in to hug him. "Miss me?"

"Of course." He answer, grabbing her tighter.

For the first time in a while, the pain was gone.. She had a moment of peace, within the arms of the person who always understood her.

"Who was at the doo-." Elliot came closer but stopped once he seen Zara. "Is this our Zara or?" He asked.

"Come here." She pulled him for a hug too.

WhenElliot and Isaac ran off the London, they ended up finding peace within each other.. it was unexpected but they were genuinely happy. Zara could see it the moment they looked into each others eyes. That was the love her dad and Erica were talking about.. that was the love that her and Stiles once had but she did hurt him.. a lot. She didn't know if it was still there but these new vampire emotions were new to her, she wasn't ready to find out.. not just yet.

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