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Kai waited patiently at the loft for Zara, he even had free rang with Liam and decided to use his magic to cause him a little pain.

As soon as Zara heard her brother scream she barged in without thinking. She ripped Kai right off of Liam, slamming him onto the ground.

He just laid there smiling. "You think this hurts?"

"No, but it will." As she goes to break his arm, Liam placed down the last piece of mountain ashe, locking her in the circle.

She turned back around and begins to laugh. "You're working with them." She laughs as Derek, Scott, Stiles, Olive, Lydia and Malia gather around her.

"At least they can't try and kill me." Kai responses.

Zara turned around the room. "You think you can stop me." She paused. "You're all gonna die, you're all disposable, you mean nothing to me.. I should just kill you all right now." The light in the room began to flicker as her magic grew uncontrollably.

They all get a little closer to her as they see her listing control and a bit of her humanity peak through.

"What are you guys doing, I'm gonna kill you.." She paused, putting on a straight face. "Someone take me out." She paused before repeating it again but louder.

The moment Zara turns her head Kai gets the chance to knocks her out with a spell but instead break her neck.

"She asked for it." He smiles in relief.

"Now put her in that coma, she'll wake up soon." Olive calls out but Kai was already on it.

He grabs her head and put her in a deep coma. "Now shall we begin."

He sits on the ground next to Zara, placing one hand on her head and the other on the grimoire.

• • •

Zara was in a dark black, she was laid up on the ground of the wood. She tries to force her eyes open but at first it didn't work.

"Didn't expect to see you so soon." A familiar said, it sounded so close Zara eyes finally opened.

As she turned her head there she was... Erica. Without thinking Zara jumped into her arms. She laid her head onto her shoulder and absorbed up every moment but it ended when she realized where she was.

"H-How am I here?" Zara began to panic. "I can't be dead, it's not possible."

Erica grabbed her hand, and held it tightly. "You're not." She paused. "Zara.. we promised."

Zara closed her eyes trying not to allow any tears out, she knew exactly what she meant. Before Erica had dead they both made a pack to finally be good and be the hero's of their stories. "Things changed.."

"No they didn't, I need you to do better." Erica didn't care and allowed her tears to fall. "But that doesn't change the fact that I am so proud of you."

Zara smiled as she held onto her tighter. "I miss you."

"Gosh I do too, being here without you has been the hardest thing i've had to do." Erica paused. "But you can live on.. for the both of us."

Zara stayed quiet unable to find any words to say.

"You were my best friend and I will always side with you even now but I need you to turn it on." Erica paused as she seen Zara get annoyed. "I know the pain hurts but the happy feeling you get will always make up for it." She waited for Zara to say something but she didn't. "Like when you see how grown up Liam got.. or the feeling you get when hold Stiles, all of that will overcome any pain you'll ever feel."

"But Stiles-."

"Stiles loves you, so much that he goes crazy. Now that's love." Erica took a deep breath. "You got a chance at an epic love, the kind that only happens once it a million years.. don't give it up."

"You loved someone like that?"

Erica hid her face. "I did, I still kind of do.. that love never goes away."


"That's not important.." Erica quickly tried to change the conversation cause the girl she loved was standing right in front of her. "what is, is that you need to turn it back on, I can't tell you the pain will stop because it won't, but it would ever compare to the happiness and peace you'll experience."

"How'd you know I turned it off?"

"I watch you everyday from over here, seeing you grow.. even seeing you fall and it has been such a great honor."

"You watch over me?"

"Of course, you are never alone.. We all do." Erica help Zara stand up and takes her throw the woods. "You remember this place?"

Erica had taken Zara to the last place she saw her father when she had died before. Zara quickly turned around to see her father standing beside her. She ran into his arms while he lifts her up, spinning her around.

"Dad." She cried out in his arms.

"She's right you know?" He lightly put her down but hold her face up. "About everything."

"Dad, I can't." A tear fell down her face. "It hurts to much."

"I know it does but you are such a strong women now, you can face anything." He paused. "I need you to do this, for me. You're friends need you."

"They're not my friends." Zara slightly backed away.

"Don't be stupid, they've been fighting to get you back since. I see things you don't, I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't mean it."

"What if it's not worth it, the pain.. what if it's stronger than love."

"Love will defend anything." He smiled as he pulled her in for another hug. "This isn't you, you know that. I need you to yourself." He paused as he cleared his throat. "I need to watch my little girl live a wonderful life. The life I never got to have."

"I love you dad.." She didn't want to let go but felt herself fading away.

"I love you too Zee, we all do."

She pulled away and looked around, Erica, Boyd, her mother, even Allison was standing around her.

"I don't want to go.. not yet." She called out as everyone began to fade with her.

"You have too, you have to go live." He says right before Zara disappeared.

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