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Olive went to look for Zara but she was stabbed in her stomach, what look like from an Oni. She was gasping for air, all the wombs were quickly healing, except from the one in her chest. It smelled like wolfspain. Olive looked at Zara scared to even touch her. She's a werewolf... but also a.. witch.. a werewitch.

"My brother." She gasp.

Olive quickly snapped out of it and bite into her wrist, feeding her blood to her.

Zara gagged as she sucked it out. Once she finished, she realized the womb was healed.

"We need to find him." Olive said.

Zara nodded her head. "But you guys stay out of it, I will handle it."

Zara got up, slowly, still dizzy from losing so much blood and tried to walk out.

"We should talk before you go." Olive grabbed her, pulling her back. "You were stabbed with WolfSpan." She added.

"Im a witch, i'm human, being stabbed with anything would've hurt me." Zara brushed it off.

Olive pulls out a knife from her boot and scraps it across Zara wrist.

They both watches as it quickly heals.

"How, the curse says." Zara began to panic, as she just realized what was happening.

"Because Josh isn't your dad, Peter is." Olive broke the news to her.

Her body froze and she backed up. "No, it's not possible." She ran off, trying not to cry.

Josh was her dad, she didn't want to hear anymore. Peter was a monster, is he was her dad what would that have made her. Is that why she felt so dark for so long.

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Olive tried not to panic as the long day past and nobody has seen her or Void. Scott and Stiles said they had a plan but knowing them if would fall through, she thought.

Allison walked into Dereks Loft where Olive was blanking staring off as she laid back on the couch.
Allison sits next to her and pulls something out from her pocket.

It was an arrowhead, not just any but the first one Olive made.

A big smile spread across her face. "He still held onto it?" Olive asked as she takes it from Allison's hand.
Allison admired the happiness on her sisters face.

"You should keep it." Olive hands it back to her sister. "If anything happens, I need you to know that I love you so much." She paused, trying not cry. "And I'm so proud of you."

Allison jumped into Olive arms, hugging her tightly.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Allison whispered.

Stiles and Scott rush into the loft.

"We found them." Scott shouted.

Both of them jump up, and rush back out the door with them.

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Void had Lydia safely at Oak Creek, along with Zara and Liam.

Lydia and Liam were locked in behind a cage deep in a tunnel. While Zara and Void stayed together, planning for the others arrival.

Zara handed off the box, she had kept for him.
"Now for the next step."

"I'm tired of playing these games." She shouted. "I'm taking my brother and going." She headed back to the cage.

"Too late." He smirked and noise came from the outside.

"Why me?" She asked.

He stepped forward and pushed her hair from her face. "I like power, what can I say." He paused. "And seeing how easy it is to make you betray your friends is fun."

"Easy?" She shouted. "You're threatening my brother."

Void steps out with the rest of his Oni behind him. Zara ran to find her brother and Lydia.

"Liam?" She called out as she kept taking turns.

It was like her nose was guiding her, and her ears could hear his breathing.

Stiles comes rushing in behind her. At first once he seen her he step back, kind of frightened. Their eyes met and they just ran into each other's arms.

They didn't want to move apart but realized time was running out. Suddenly Stiles collapses, Zara wanted to stay back with him but needed to get Liam out of there.

She gets to the cage and use her magic to break the lock off.

"Watch him for me please." Zara whispered as Lydia, as she places him back in a spell.

Lydia nodded her head and ran out after Void. Once she reaches outside, she see two Oni slashing Isaacs body up. Allison pulls out her last arrow and aims it at one them.

It hits it and it's chest began to glow yellow until it exploded. Zara looked over for Void but realized he was gone. She began to panic until she realized he was standing right behind her.

"Who will it be?" He asked and he had Liam gripped up by the neck. " Choose who died or Liam dies."

"Allison." She blurred out.

By the time she turned around, a sword was getting pulled out from Allison stomach.

Down in the tunnels Zara could hear Lydias scream, she closed her eyes, trying not to allow this to hurt her. She holds onto her brother, as she sleeps in her arms.
Scott catches her as she falls to the ground. Everyone turned to Allison as she slowly died in Scott's arms.

"Olive?" Scott called out, begging her to help come save her.

He even looked over for Zara but she was to scared to show her face.

By the time Olive, Chris and Derek made it Allison was gasping for her last breath. She ran over to her sister, pushing Scott out of her way.

"I love you." Allison cried out and she grabbed onto her sister hand.

"You're going to be okay." Olive took a bite from her wrist but by the time she was done, Allison had taken her last breath.

Olive looked up at her dad as she held onto her lifeless sister.

She let out a heartbreaking scream, begging Allison to wake up.

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