After a first initial shock of the mall and the crowds I was walking through the mall carrying tons of bags with Pepper, Nat and Wanda and we were all talking about Steve and the Avengers and missions they had been in as well as learning about me and my life.
"Wait so you were dating Steve before the serum?" Wanda asked and I nodded.
"Yeah we were together since he was 16 and I was 15." I said and Wanda laughed.
"I have only seen Steve like that in pictures." Wanda said and I smiled at her.
"Sometime maybe I will let you read my mind and you can see how he really was before Cap." I said and Wanda got excited
"Really?!" Wanda asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, why not." I said and she laughed. Nat linked her arm in mine.
"So let me ask you something and don't feel like you have to answer." Nat said and I looked at her.
"Have you and Steve know..." Nat said.
"Have we had sex?" I asked and Nat huffed a laugh.
"Yeah..." Nat said.
"Yes we have. But honestly....only twice. Once the night he proposed in the 40's and then this morning." I said and the girls all smiled as Nat stopped outside of a store.
"Then you really should shop in here." Nat said and I looked in the store and saw a lingerie store.
"Oh no, I don't think..." I said and Nat smiled.
"He will love it, most guys do. Trust me." Nat said and I sighed as we walking in.
"Well I do need more bras and panties as well." I groaned and Nat nodded.
"Exactly, so let's shop." Nat said. As we walked around the store the girls helped me pick out some pieces of lingerie that I wasn't completely sure about. I sat down in the chair in the store and put my head in my hands.
"Girls." Pepper said and they all stopped and came over to me kneeling down my me.
"Hey, talk to us." Pepper said placing a hand on my back.
"Sorry, I now this stuff was around even in the 40's maybe not as revealing but I never even considered buying any then. I really want to because I want to be able to fit into this world, it's just so much." I said and the girls all nodded.
"Hey, instead of us showing you everything we think would work, why don't you pick out something that you would fell comfortable in." Nat said and I sighed and nodded. I stood up and walked around the store and I found a cute see-through short nightgown that came with a matching set of panties and the girls smiled seeing it was in blue which was Steve's favorite color.
"That is cute." Nat said and walked over to me.
"Also gives us an idea." Nat said and I smiled with a nod. Once we were done finding things I was comfortable with we headed out of the store and I felt more confident about myself once the shopping was trip over. After we were done shopping we headed out to lunch.
"So how are you feeling about today?" Wanda asked and I sighed with a smile.
"Really good actually. I loved shopping with all of you. I never had this before." I said and they all looked at me oddly.
"I never had girlfriends. Everyone always thought it was weird I hung out with Steve and Bucky all the time. They were all I had especially after my parents and Steve's parents died." I said and they all nodded.
"So what was it about Steve that attracted you to him?" Nat asked and I smiled.
"How kind, compassionate and caring Steve was. Steve stood up for me against a bully once when I was 12 they were both 13. There was this boy that just wouldn't leave me alone pulling my hair, constantly following me around all around annoying me and just saying some horrible things. Well once day while walking home from school this guy started again. Steve and Bucky came out of no where and Bucky held the guy and Steve got in some good punches. Usually I wouldn't have liked violence but I knew they were sticking up for me. Now most girls would have gone after Bucky and most did but not me. Steve came over and made sure I was okay after he got in the few punches. There was something about his eyes, they still get to me. I mean when he came back to get me, yeah he looked older but his eyes were still the same." I said and smiled.
"Now, he wasn't always lucky with bullies, he hated them but Bucky wasn't always around and he got his ass handed to him a couple of times but he still tried. I tended to more split lips and black eyes than I care to remember." I said and we all laughed as our food arrived at the table.
"Now Steve says there was only me but I need to know for sure. Was there anyone else?" I asked and Nat sighed.
"Hazel, he wanted you. I will be honest we tried setting him up a couple times but he never even went out with these girls. He said it never felt right." Nat said and I gave a small smile.
"I love him so much." I said and blushed when I said it and they all smiled."Why does that make you blush? It's good to be in love." Pepper said.
"Oh I know and this is a good blushing. Steve and I can finally have the future we always talked about but I then I think I back of everything he told me he has done since coming back and everything and it worried me about having a life and family with him." I said and they girls all sighed and Pepper placed a hand over mine.
"I can speak as someone who is married and had a child with someone when they were the main's never easy and it's always scary but you can't let that fear keep you from moving forward." Pepper said and I half nodded as we all ate.
"Oh I'm not. I mean Steve and I already talked about us still being engaged. People may think it's weird but in my world and mind last time I saw Steve was 6 months ago." I said and they all nodded.
"I can't imagine anything you are going through." Wanda said and I smiled at her.
"So did you two discuss when you want to get married?" Pepper asked.
"Steve said he would marry me right now if I would let him but I want to wait. I need to get to know who Steve Rogers is now. He also hasn't seen me in so long and I may not have changed much to him but I need to prove to him I am not the picture perfect person he thinks I am. He either thinks I'm perfect or a porcelain doll who is going to break. I need to prove to him that I'm not." I said and they all nodded.
"I will tell you one thing and it may sound personal but some of that lingerie you bought, you show it to him, preferably with you wearing it...he will get the message really quick." Wanda said and we all laughed. We finished eating and headed back to the house and I smiled seeing Steve outside chopping wood. I stopped and watched him for a minute before he saw me.
"Enjoying the view?" Steve asked as me and the girls walked to the front door with my bags. Pepper took mine from me.
"I will put these in your room." Pepper said and I smiled. I walked over to Steve. I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He dropped the axe he was holding behind him and gripped my waist pulling me against him and I moaned at his forcefulness. Once we broke apart he smiled at me.
"Shopping trip go good?" Steve asked.
"Shopping trip was great." I said and Steve smiled.
"I noticed all the bags..." He trailed off and I smiled.
"I had a lot to get." I said and Steve nodded.
"You want to model something for me?" Steve asked and I laughed.
"I may have somethings..." I said and Steve groaned and leaned his forehead on mine.
"Now I want to take you inside and lock our bedroom door." Steve said and I shook my head.
"Not now, maybe later." I said and Steve smiled.
"Perfect." Steve said and I went to walk away and Steve held me close.
"Miss Morris, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" Steve asked and I smiled at him.
"I would love to." I said and Steve smiled, leaned in and kissed me.
"How should I dress?" I asked.
"A nice dress, nothing too fancy." Steve said and I smiled.
"I know just the outfit." I said and he let me go.
"Perfect. We will leave at 6." Steve said and I walked inside. Once I made it back to my room the girls were waiting and taking things out of the bags.
"Steve wants to do dinner tonight and wants me dressed up. I think I know just the outfit." I said and held up he one outfit I saw Nat had pulled out and they nodded.
"That's the one." Pepper said and we picked out shoes to go with it.

Forever Love ⭐
Fanfiction~*COMPLETE*~ Steve Rogers, that skinny kid from Brooklyn and all he wanted to do was fight in the war and be a hero. Hazel never cared about that, she loved Steve however he was. When Steve was approached by Doctor Erskine everything is about to ch...