Part 3- Come to me with good news, not bad

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"Did she know about our plans"? Fury asks, "No, but there were digital files" I say speed-walking with him, "Get those assholes to protect the database" Fury says as we walk into his office, He sits down and opens his computer, I stand right beside him, looking at what he was doing.

"Where is she now"? Fury asks, tapping the pen on the table continuously, "She was about to become an agent but then just suddenly one day, she just disappeared and went off radar" I explain, he turns around to look at me.

"Hill, the cameras, find the girl, I want her here"! He orders as I step out and I tell all of them to protect the database as told by Fury, I quickly ask Coulson to follow the cameras. "She was seen over here at 1037 hours giving this old woman her hoodie, she was wearing a tank top last and there are no more cameras" Coulson says, a little frustrated that he couldn't find her.

"It's fine Coulson, Fury and I'll go question the lady" I comfort and went to Fury again, "Come to me with good news, not bad, Hill" He says still on his computer, probably trying to track her. "We got her last seen" I say nodding slightly, "Get to the car, I'm coming" He says grabbing his coat.

I grab my guns, stuffing them into my jeans and socks and another one in my hand, "Up and ready, Sir" I say as Fury opens his door, taking a seat. I did the same as Phil drove us there. Agent Phil Coulson, Our most trustworthy agent, He is also Director Fury's personal chauffeur, driving us to our missions, sometimes, He drives the quinjet.

"We're here, former Agent Y/n was last seen with that Lady and then walked in the left direction. The cameras in that lane don't work" Phil dictates as we walk to the old lady, Phil leaves to wait in the car and checks our intercom.

"1, 2, 3, Can you hear me?'' He asked, "Affirmative, Coulson" I say casually, looking around, trying not to look suspicious. We walk to the old woman in the corner and Fury asks, "Have you seen this girl"? Showing a picture of y/n in her uniform. "She uh- was laying in that corner today and I woke her up, she gave me this top and money. She lives in that apartment building" she says pointing at a half torn down building with leaf vines covering it.

She sounds sweet, not like someone who would blow up a building. "Hill, You take the second floor, I'll take the first" Fury says and I nod watching my steps and pointing my gun in front of me for any possible threat while checking for her last name.

Love Is A Dagger- NATASHA ROMANOFF X READERWhere stories live. Discover now