Part 10- So, I See It Worked

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Second Person POV

You see Maria walk in and resume her place on Nick's knee. She looks at him and giggles. You pretend to puke, earning a look from Nick. Then Nat walks in and looks at you with a smile threatening to escape her lips "hey Мила... Y/N. Y/N, I thought I could give you a bit of a tour of the compound." You look up knowing your nickname has nearly slipped out and you nod looking to the side biting your lip.

She grabs your hand and pulls you up, Everybody gives you looks except Maria, she just smiles. You run after her giggling as she stops, abruptly turning around capturing you in her arms. She holds you whispering in your ear "Where should we go next?" you shrug and she pulls you off again running up the stairs.

"There" she says and points out to the night sky "That is cassiopeia. It's the easiest one to find" she sits down on the roof with her legs aside and taps the ground in front of her and you sit between her legs, leaning into her chest. She rests her head on your shoulder and you just sit there soaking it all in. You slowly rock back and forth holding her arms that are wrapped around your torso. Slowly, you begin to drift off nestling into each other's bodies finding comfort in the other.

{<Time Skip brought to you by Steve understanding that reference 😐>}

You wake up curled up into Nat's body to see the Sun shining brightly in your eyes, you rub them to wake your tired self up. You look at Nat, her face relaxed and the sun bringing out her red hair. You rest your head as it was before and let yourself fall asleep again.

Maria was searching for Nat as she hadn't seen either of you and you had an evaluation scheduled in the training room 30 minutes ago. Then she remembered last night and giving Nat the idea of looking at the stars, she ran up to the roof. When she gets there she sees Nat holding and stroking your hair admiring you, Nat looks up.

"So, I see it worked." Maria teased. Nat nods and adds "if you tell a soul you saw this, I will come after you and rip you apart." Maria simply nods, not daring to disobey Natasha. You slowly wake up, Nat looks down at you with a smile showing. Then you hear Maria "What did I say about looking at your fianceé before the wedding, Y/N!" You flash her a look.

"You had to wreck the moment huh? Also we ain't engaged." Nat looks at you with a smirk "yet", you look back biting your lip "really". "Sorry to interrupt, but you were supposed to be evaluating Y/N 30 minutes ago" Maria says. Nat looks at her and curses "Don't tell them we were together" Maria nods and begins to walk away turning around and says "Don't be too long."

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