Part 14- As Good As A Badge, Right?

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You go down to Tony's Garage with the help of F.R.I.D.A.Y and take a car, not informing anyone but the A.I. You take a rocky shortcut and in a while, reach the headquarters, scanning your I.D, you go to Fury's office, "What'd you have to show me?" You ask, giving a slight nod to Maria who was leaning down to see the computer screen, which she returned. Nick looks up "Blueprints that prove what you say, Coulson found them."

"That was quick" you say. He pulls the large blue papers out and points to a small line. You instinctively grab a magnifying glass and hold it over the line to see small german writing. You let out a laugh "Smart, very. Have you translated it yet?" he shakes his head "We are working on it." You nod "I am going to go have some chill time, call me when it's translated."

{<Time Skip brought to you by the Academic Decathlon Teacher not giving a shit about where Peter is 🙂>}

You pull up at the compound and get out to see Nat standing at the door of the garage. "Милашка where were you?", "Nick called, he wanted to show me something." "Well next time tell me, Peter is upstairs, starting the star wars movie marathon I promised to do with him." you laugh.

"I am coming for that." you say racing after her as she disappears upstairs. As you watch the movie you fight the urge to edge you decide to get some more popcorn. As you get up, Peter decides to talk for the first time since the movie started. "Hey, you can't leave defeats the point of a marathon."
"Kid, we have run out of popcorn."

You run downstairs to the kitchen and open the cabinet, "What are yo-" You turn around, pinning the person down, "HOLY SHIT, I WAS JUST ASKING" It was Tony, you roll your eyes and grab the Popcorn bag dropping it in the pot and closing it.

"The Kid, Nat and I are watching a movie. What do you want?" You ask, "I got a call from Fury, He wants to see you" He says, fear flowing through his veins.

You run upstairs with the Popcorn and hand them the dish, you start to leave as Peter asks "Where are you going, Auntie Y/N?", "Work, kid" You smile ruffling his hair. You sprint downstairs again and take out a bike, You type in Fury's number and call him, "Who's this?'' He asks, "Who do you think, Nicholas?" You comment.

"What's something only you know?" He asks and your face scrunches, "What do you mean, Nick?" You ask, "There's a Y/N in my office, right now" He says, his tone horrified, "You didn't tell her the plan, did you? Well, I called you Nicky earlier on the call, remember?" You ask. "Well, I didn't tell them that, Coulson, I'll talk to later" He says, his voice louder than usual, "Was that Phil, Fury?" A voice similar to yours comes.

"Yeah Y/N, I have to talk to him, you can wait outside" He says, his voice distant, The door clicks and Nick talks to you again, "This must be Hydra then" He says, "Obviously, she called you Fury and she called Phil, Coulson, I call him Prisoner. I'm coming anyway, don't worry" You say driving faster.

"Come through the Back entrance, it leads to an elevator and straight to my office" He informs and you hang up. You slip through the traffic easily and sneak through the front cameras of the headquarters so the doppelganger can't see you. You go to the back Entrance and see a scanner, you quickly scan your badge and it lets you into an elevator.

"Y/N, where's your badge?" Fury asks the impostor, "I must've forgotten it home" She says fiddling with the skin tight suit, she takes her gun out and says "This gun should be as good as a badge, right?" She says and points it at Nick. As she was about to pull the trigger, the elevator behind Nick opens, you come out rolling on the ground, pointing at the impostor's thigh, You shoot it and the impostor falls to the ground. Unfortunately, she pulled the trigger and Fury got shot in the shoulder.

"Guess someone didn't do their homework, saying 'Fury' was a dead giveaway" You taunt smirking at the girl on the ground, You open the door and get the medics, "The director in the office, there's another girl but strap her on the bed, she shouldn't escape" You say rolling your eyes. "THAT'S AGENT Y/L/N" Some doctor shouts, "Nope, some bitch, Look at me, I'm Y/L/N" You shake your head and see Maria.

"What's up, bridesmaid" You say, "Yep, that's the bitch, we have Y/N here" She says, "So who is that?" She asks, pulling you away, "Hydra impostor but hey, did you know Tony had a fucking bike." "Yeah, but I don't think that's important now there is a hydra imposter that just infiltrated our compound." replies Maria, you shake your head "Maybe if people were more clued on to my fucking style, this wouldn't have occured." You smile.

You sit next to Fury as he lies on the hospital bed. "So Nicholas, that was the big news or something else." you ask, he shakes his head "Something else but I don't know if I can say it here." his eye looks in all directions suspiciously. "Since when did you doubt S.H.I.E.L.D" You ask.

"I don't know but being tricked like that has given me a reason to doubt." he replies. "I am going to call Nat to tell her what happened" you say. "Okay go talk to your fianceé" he says laughing to himself you stare in shock "Maria explained the joke but seriously, you and Nat." you turn around and pull your phone out.

The phone dial tones sounds and it begins to ring, you walk around restlessly, agitated that someone had made their way into hydra dressed as you. If they knew you had come back how long until they carried out their threat. Nat picked up and you sigh in relief "Hey Y/N, what's going on." "Nick was shot in the shoulder by a Hydra imposter. He is fine but we need to be on high alert." you hear Nat's breath sharpen "Are you okay?" she asks.

"I am absolutely fine, just a bit shaken but fine." you reply trying to sound reassuring even though suddenly for the first time in forever you felt scared. "Милашка, you're scared, can you come back?" she asks, you look at Nick and he nods predicting your question. "Yeah I can, I am leaving now."
"Cool. Stay safe Милашка, see ya soon." Nat says and you hear her blow a kiss before hanging up.

{<Time Skip brought to you by Nick electing to ignore that stupid ass decision 😑>}

You do a skid on the bike and park it, running up the stairs to the lounge where Peter sat, glued to the television. Nat sat next to him although she seemed distant. You announce your arrival "I am back, bitches" "Hey, hey, Hey ! language for the kid, plus Steve doesn't like it." says Nat, you laugh as she pulls you into a tight hug. "Thanks for coming back,'' she whispers in your ear.

Peter seems to be unaware of your arrival as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are in an intense fight scene. You look at the kid, what a shame, man, what a shame that he has been brought into this harsh world you think. Nat looks at you "I know what you're thinking but he didn't have a choice." you nod, still feeling the deep regret at the bottom of your stomach.

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