Part 13- That Is Offensive To Me

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{<Time skip brought to you by Peter not wanting to go 😦>}

You go to your room that Tony had made for you and take a bath before the meeting, sinking into the water. The warmth floods your body and you relax. You fall away into your world and begin to drift.
Suddenly you hear a knock on the door. You yell out "Piss off, I have 30 mins before the meeting and I'm in the bath." then you hear the majestic laugh of Nat "Got it, I am leaving."

You call back out "One second." you chuck some baggy clothes on and run out of the bathroom and open the door to see her face. "Well that was fast, I thought you said 'Piss off'" She says and laughs, you roll your eyes and walk out of your room with her.

The meeting room is basically filled when you enter you sit in your seat and start it off "So, ideas. Just scream them out. I am all ears but don't take the criticism to heart okay." Everyone begins to talk and you roll your eyes. "Okay school kids, hands up." they start raising their hands "Sam, what you got." you say pulling out a notebook.

"Well I was thinking that we should have a group go out and stake out to see what has been going on." he says, "did we not just have a meeting about what has been going on?" you ask, he continues "yes we did but to see it in flesh, get an idea about culture around there you know."

"Cool, when I was trained, that was called a holiday but we will think about it." Everyone has a bit of a laugh. "Robin Hood" Clint looks up. "Me?" he questions, "Obviously" you say shaking your head "I don't know" you laugh. "Nat?" she starts to explain "Well I say get the rest of Avengers except us two, out to loo-" then the door swings open.

A young kid walks in and Tony sighs "Kid what did I say, I was in a meeting at 3", the kid speaks "Oh sorry, I forgot, I'll go" then you speak up "nah, stay kid, we might need your spider-senses." you receive a questioning look and laugh. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Y/N, the new team member."
"Oh hi Y/N, are you sure I should stay?" You nod and stand up "here take the boss's seat." The crowd looks in shock at your willingness to forfeit your seat.

You pull up the chair from the corner and put it next to Nat's seat. "Where were we? Oh Nat you were talking about your idea." she nods "One second, I just need to take in your kindness there." You give her a look and whisper "It's not all reserved for you." nat continues "Leave me to break in the newbie here" pointing back at you "She will also need to continue her work as the hooded figure so she can't leave. So I think that you guys should go and find out what the new assassins are and how the plan works on ground." the rest of the team nod.

"What do you think about Nat's idea, Spidey-boy?" you ask, interested to see what he thinks.
"Well I think Auntie Nat's idea seems good." he replies you look at him then Nat and back "Auntie Nat ?! That is offensive to me." Nat shakes her head at you "you just met."

You look at Peter "I am officially your Cool Auntie and Nat is just the Badass Auntie, she can't be cool." he just nods. "Thank you, Gang, you shall leave in 2 days for (Nat's idea). You guys will need to plan so,  Peter, Nat and I will just go chill cause I assume Peter won't be going, he will continue being the neighbourhood spiderman." they nod and you leave.

Your phone rings, you take it out of your pocket and see Nick shining brightly on the screen, You pick up, "Nicky, you were just here", "These goddamn names" You hear him whisper and snicker, "Can you take one of Tony's dumb cars and come to the base, I have something for you" He says as your eyebrows furrow, "Uh- yeah sure, Nicholas, Be right there".

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