Part 24- Does That Include S-

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{<Time Skip brought to you by Gamora.... Where's Gamora? Wait, Who's Gamora? WHY'S GAMORA? 👁👄👁>}

You look over at Nat, you can just make out her body in the nearly pitch black medbay. Slowly, you get up from your bed and you wince in pain. You creep around to the left side of Nat's bed and lay down next to her sleeping figure and wrap your arms around her body. Resting your head on her back, you begin to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S, take a picture of this, will ya." you hear as your eyes flutter open, and you see Nat holding you close as you do the same. At the same time, you hear Nat say "Since when was this your bed in medbay." "Sharing is caring. Nat, didn't they teach you that at school." you reply. "They did teach me this,'' she said, extending a hand "Y/N stop it, I don't like it." you both burst into a fit of giggles.

You look into her emerald green eyes and smile, caressing her cheek with your thumb, "Is everybody up?" Bruce asks, "Fuck you, Bruce" You say in a monotone voice, "Yes, Good Morning to you too, y/n" He says as you cuddle more into Natasha.

"Tony, There are Zombies covering a part of the city, what'll happen to everybody else outside" Bruce asks, opening the metal flap, "We don't know, I thought you were supposed to be the genius." says Natsha. you laugh at Nat's comment and Nat looks at you with a smile "You have a cute laugh." she murmurs.

She holds onto you tighter, and you nestle your head into her chest. "What do we do then?" asks Steve. "I guess I save their ass like I always do" Tony says, you roll your eyes playfully as he calls J.A.R.V.I.S. "J, 'Vibranium Covers' Protocol" He says, Bruce looks out through the flap to see all the houses getting covered with Vibranium.

"How the hell did you get that much Vibranium?" Bruce asks "Wakanda gave it, where and how else was I meant to get it, T'challa really loves me you know." Tony replies simply. You laugh out loud, Bruce looks at Tony, trying not to try and strangle him.

Amethyst comes beside Nat's bed, to you and pushes your head aside and unwraps the gauze from your arm, "Do I still have a hole?" You ask, "Yes, don't look here" She says. She softly cleans your hole and wraps a new piece of gauze around it.

She does the same to Nat but on her leg and helps everyone else, "When's this gonna heal?" You ask, "It'll take about 15 days but with bed rest" Dr. Cho explains, "bed rest" you say "Does that include s-" Dr. Cho cuts you off "Y/N, no that is not bed rest." the group laughs at your question and you pout "Well that's just a fucked up health system."

"Hello guys" Peter says, skipping his way into the medbay. "Wait, how the fuck did Spiderling heal so fast?" You ask, "Oh, I have super-healing," he says, pursing his lips, "Damn, and we gotta stay in bed?!" You exclaimed. "Yes Y/N" Dr. Cho says and leaves.

{<Time Skip brought to you by Bruce awkwardly bowing to T'challa 🙃>}

You lay between Nat's legs with her head resting on your shoulder, the TV played Y/F/S (if its not Rosehaven fuck you). She reaches her arms around your waist and whispers in your ear "I wish this room had walls then I wouldn't have to contain myself." You laugh and whisper back "Me too but they can suck it." you turn around and pull her into a kiss.

She nips your lip and you hold her waist. Nat begins to kiss down your neck when you hear a voice "For fuck's sake, can you guys have a moment where you aren't kissing or what." says Steve. "Keep in mind, we had like years apart so we kinda need to catch up" you say "and you would be all over Sharon if she was here." "umm about that." whispers Maria. "But she wasn't on the fucking mission" you scream, sitting up aprubtly, you feel immense pain shoot through your body but block it out.

"She may have been waiting for Steve to get back." she continues. "Am I fucking stuck with her." you scream now standing up. "Yeah kind of" Maria laughs at your reaction. "IT IS NOT FUNNY." you say kneeling down looking at the sky "OH PLEASE BABY JESUS, I AM NOT CHRISTIAN OR SHIT BUT PLEASE BABY JESUS, PLEASE SAY THIS IS A FUCKING PRANK." you pray.

The group begins to laugh at you ridiculous prayer then Dr. Cho walks in "Y/N I said bed rest." "I was agreeing until I found out, fucking walmart peggy carter is here and i am stuck with her!!" you say "these levels of stress are not good for your healing Y/N get back in your bed." Dr. Cho calmly replies. "Tell that to fucking Sharon" you murmur ans hop back on to Nat's bed snuggling into her body.

"Y/N, Dr. Cho said 'your bed'." Steve says, disapproval written on his face "Is this okay Dr. Cho?" you ask, bringing out the puppy dog eyes "Yes, you are resting so I don't see a problem." "Ha take that frisbee boy, you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit." you reply.

"Uh I may be wrong," begins Thor, "But don't midgardian females not have dicks." "Mate, it's a metaphor." you reply laughing "i mean i think it's a metaphor but I don't really know or care." "That's what I love about you" says Nat as she kisses your cheek.

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