Part 9- Off Of a Fucking Building!

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Tony stands up and announces "Come on let's have a drink. Ladies first, Y/N", "Umm sorry I don't drink" you say head down not knowing what to do Nat's face looks confused. "Really" Tony says "That was unexpected". You look up at Nat and both fly back to the first time she saved you from a ridiculous night.

You rang Nat's phone head spinning "рыжая красотка" you said when she picked up the phone "Милашка are you drunk?" Nat asked, "I have had one too many." you say slurring your words. "Can't tell моя дорогая ,can't tell." she replies not knowing what to do, to laugh or to get angry. Then you say "Милашка, come take me home." 

"I got you, send me the location" Nat replies and you hear her get in the car. Once you are back, she tucks you in and goes to leave, just then you mumble "Stay Nat, stay". she says "shhhh Милашка, I got you baby." and lies down on your bed holding you close and you drift into a peaceful sleep.

Suddenly you feel something creeping into your mind, you fly around and death stare the crowd "That is my fucking brain. Get the fuck out." Wanda looks at you with a look of shock on her face and you quietly say through gritted teeth "If you say what you saw, you will be dead." She quietly nods and sits down, putting her head down.

You smile, "Well, let's play some truth or dare." says Tony breaking the icey silence that had consumed the room. "I'll start, Y/N truth or dare." continues Tony smirking. "Truth" you say, already guessing his question, "The most attractive man in the room?" questions Tony and you laugh.

"Someone get some first aid. Iron Grandpa's ego is about to get a hit." you say, "Well I am not into guys but I would say that it varies from different interests you know. But the least attractive is definitely Iron Grandpa." Heads turn at your comment about boys but Tony just turns around to sulk. "I don't know if I should call you grandpa any more. That's a pretty toddler move there."

"I suppose I will go now?" you say and look over to Maria "Bridesmaid, truth or dare.", She laughs "dare" you smirk and her eyes widen slightly as she realises you have an idea "Go sit on Nicholas's knee, you gotta stay there for the whole game". You challenge her, this time her eyes widen properly and you laugh "Got ya! don't worry you'll thank me later" she throws you a look and simply says "Okay bride" and walks to sit down.

The game continues and some people begin to get a bit tipsy. You look over at Natasha who is laughing at something that Steve said and you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Maria looks at you with a questioning look and you turn away trying not to make eye contact. "Nat I want to show you something" says Maria and pulls her out the door.

Maria POV

I drag Nat out the door "Nat, do you love Y/N"? I ask, Nat looks at me "what were you showing me"? "Nat, tell me! Because at this point, you're throwing your chances off of a fucking building!" My anger clearly showing, 'Fucking hell ! These women are blind' I thought. Nat looks down with a bright red face "Maybe I do, but she just left."

"Do you even know if that was her choice! Nat you're gonna have to clean this up, because if anything, you were getting cosy with Steve just before. So prospects aren't that good" I say remembering Y/N's wounded glance at Nat and Steve.

"Why the fuck would i want to date the fossil"? Nat said with her forehead pinched, "Look i didn't say you did, just go and offer to take Y/N for a tour of the compound or something, maybe check out the roof and look at the stars, I don't know I got to go fulfill the bride's challenge and sit on Nick's knee, so go clean your mess." I turn around and just as I open the door, Nat says "What is with the bride and bridesmaid nicknames."?

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