Part 18- You're Not My Type, Sorry

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{<Time Skip brought to you by Peter slapping Ned to tell him to cause a distraction 😂>}

You crawl out of bed, back aching from last night's events, you stumble to the shower. After a rinse you slip into a bathrobe and ask J.A.R.V.I.S if your outfit for the mission had arrived. Apparently, it had arrived. You run through the corridors to the door, where it was waiting for you. Picking it up you spin around to see a gun pointed at your head, you put your hand forward "Hey, we can talk this out" you say trying to make out the figure.

Then you recognise them "Sharon, can I not pick up a package of clothes addressed to me for a mission, you assigned me without this." she looks at you with a hint of anger in her eyes "I was just checking" she replies "By trying to shoot me, god, I can't deal with this" you say and push past her walking away to your room.

When you get back, you see Nat sitting on your bed "Where did you go?" She asks "To get clothes and then get a gun pointed at my head by Sharon because she thought I was stealing Stark's property." Nat laughs "I am sorry but that is a bit funny." you glare at her "Come here, baby, you got a big day ahead, you need some time to rest" Nat says as she pulls you into a hug cradling you like a child and rocking you from side to side.

"You're going to be fine, baby, you're awesome" she whispers, making your whole body relax. Then you hear a knock at the door "Who is it?" you yell, pissed that they wrecked the moment. "Just Maria, can I come in?" she asks "Fine" you scream back as she opens the door and sees you and Nat.

She immediately freezes. "Okay I can back out if you want,'' she says as you shake your head "you have already wrecked the moment, bridesmaid." She laughs and sits down. "Sorry but I just thought that what you're doing today it's dangerous. Maybe we should come with backup."

You look at her "Okay, my ego took a hit, I'll be fine, i know how to contact you if i get in a jam anyway" Maria and Nat look at you "Guys you still are back up just not onsite, cause if you are, my cover is blown." they sigh in defeat.

"I guess" Nat says "but if you need help we are only one call away you know." you nod feeling safe for once if only temporarily.

{<Time Skip brought to you by Squidward never taking the eye of Agamotto from Magic Man 🌀>}

You hop off the bus and calmly walk towards the building, you walk around setting up the guns. You look around and go over the plan once more. You quickly slip through the door of the warehouse office and open it, "Hey honey, can you put a quick announcement over the speakers" you say to the man sitting down, he looks at you "come on don't make me do this the hard way."

He looks at you and says "hard way, what do you mean?" you sigh Fuck, I hope Nat doesn't get footage of this you think. You walk slowly over sitting on his lap and trace your finger down from his lip to his last button on his top. "This way, honey." you say biting your lip "Honey, i promise the night of your life, if you put this simple announcement over the speaker."

He looks at you with a light in his eye and a disgusting smirk "What do you need, an entree?" you say cursing in your head you pull him into a kiss biting his lip, gripping his shirt, you pull away trying not to wipe the taste off your lips. You promise yourself to give Nat a good kiss after you get back. "That a good enough entree?" you ask he grabs your chest and says "I don't think so" you pull away.

"hey honey, I said you have to do the announcement first" you say pretending to scold him, he laughs, wrapping a hand around your waist and asks "What do i say "Tell them to gather in the centre of the building and don't move until you say so" he tilts his head at the weird request but goes ahead. As soon as he is finished you push a button on your belt and give him a good punch in the head. Looking at him as you walk out of the office you yell back "You're not my type, sorry".

And watch as the building explodes into orange balls of fire, you laugh and push another button as the guns begin to shoot. "пока, пока бикини" you say and disappear into the night once again.

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