Part 4- Just Get In the Goddamn Car

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You walked slowly down the street, your flash back from early still haunting you. You decide to get your favorite drink from starbucks to try and cool your nerves as something felt off today.

Nick Fury's POV

I began to slowly walk through the corridor of the first floor checking each place for signs of Y/N living there then I saw it. There it was, Y/l/n. "Hill, Come down to the First Floor, room 29 is the suspects room"

Second Person POV

You opened the door to your apartment as a mist of cold air hit your face. You looked around and saw that your diary had a picture hanging out, not how it had been left. You tense up, realization dawning upon you that someone was here.

Acting as though you were unaware of the presence of others you calmly chuck your empty starbucks drink in the bin walking over to your locker. You retrieve two taser guns from your locker and shoot them to your left and right. Then you spin around to face the one eyed bastard saying "to what do I owe the pleasure, Nicholas".

"It's Director Fury, Agent Y/l/n and I just wanted to see what you are doing" He says casually.

"I am not one of your fucking agents, so why the hell am talking to you right now"? you reply, "Come on, Y/l/n, is this you" Fury says pulling up the video of the explosion. "Is it, Nick" you tease, bitterness lacing your voice.

"She wants you to talk" at the mention of her, you tense and hesitate. Then you just couldn't so you tell him "Yeah that's me and that is a base of someone who doesn't like you", "Hydra".

"Something like that" You say shrugging, "Come with me" he commanded. You weigh up your options and follow after his retreating figure. The walk was silent, suddenly you spotted a figure in the shadows holding a gun. You grabbed the person's wrist twisting it behind their back grabbing the gun and throwing it to the side.

You then looked at Fury with a look of disappointment on your face "We're still doing this Nick? A bit obvious if you ask me," you say "but hey Maria don't feel embarrassed, I know you're just following orders." you said winking at the tall brunette, she rolled her eyes. "Just get in the goddamn car" Fury says, this time you roll your eyes and get in the car.

As he drives off, he says "so you're going to be joining the avengers." You play it off saying "yeah and you're joining hydra." He gives you a bored look. "Oh hell no, you aren't serious, Maria"? she simply shrugs her shoulders. You sigh and nestle into the car seat swearing that you are going to die.

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