Part 27- That Goes To Church And ReAd HeR bIbLe

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{<Time Skip brought to you bye Stephen winking at Peter 😉>}

It had been 7 months 2 weeks 1 day 5 hours and 3..4..5..6 seconds since your breakdown and Nat stayed with you, Steve and Bucky supported each other, Peter helped Tony with his drinking problem but it didn't leave, he started drinking less. Sam mended his friendship with Bucky a little bit and you made jokes once in a while to help cheer the team up.


You take a peek out of the metal flap in the kitchen window and see the whole place covered with vines and plants, you sigh, "Hydra's taken over the whole world, great" You whisper sarcastically. "Y/N, We're watching a movie, can you get the popcorn" Steve shouts, you get frustrated, frustrated with the fact that you can't do anything, frustrated that the people under those Vibranium shelters might be suffering.

You walk to them and pull the plug, everybody groans "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT" You yell, "Peter's sleeping" Tony says, "Oh, I-, he can sleep. Guys, we have to do something, We are the avengers. All the people out there, they- they rely on us to fix this, we can't just ignore the people suffering out there-" You get cut off by Sam "We need a cure but don't have a serum to reverse".

You snap your fingers, grinning wide, you skip your way to the medbay lab. You go through all the ziploc bags laying there, you finally find the one you were looking for. "Oh my god" You whisper looking at the bullet in the bag.

You sprint back to the sofa where every one of them were sitting, bored. "Okay, how fast can you get Tony totally sober, Bruce?" You ask, "In like uhh, fifteen minutes max" Bruce says, "You go do that" you say, "What are you planning, Mилашка?" Nat asks, you smirk and hold up the bag in your hand, "This is the blood of that Vibranium Dick" You say.

"Again, We're not Science geeks so, explain" Sam says, "Dr. Cho's gonna extract the blood from this bullet, Tony or bruce is gonna turn it into the serum and convert it into a cure, Are you guys really that dumb?" You explain. "100 year old legend" Steve says raising his hand, "100 year old unstable man" Bucky says doing the same, "You know it, Dumb bird" Sam says, everybody looked at nat.

"What? I understood it, you are the dumb ones" Nat says, "Shut up" "C'mon Nat" "Liar" "Of course" are heard from the group. "Fine, an abused assassin that didn't go to school" She says, "What?" She laughs, you all stare at her, "Fine, Dumb assassin, happy?" She says as you roll your eyes, the boys laughing.

"15 shots of espresso did something that only Peter can, sober Tony up" Bruce says with a sober and grumpy Tony by his side, "What do you all want now?" He asks, "There's the iron toddler I know" You say and go to Dr. Cho, asking her to extract the blood as you planned.

You go to the group and explain your plan, "What about the Half-dead bitches?" Bucky asks, "I love that name and I am going to get a Half-dead bitch" You say, "I'm coming with" Wanda says, stepping to your side, "Fine, We're gonna go now to get this done as quickly as possible" You nod and walk into the elevator to get out of the building. You walk out into the world and are shocked.

The once shiny Vibranium hideouts were now covered in long, stringy green vines, the sky was darkened. "Okay, god about to have a tantrum, I just can just feel the bitch's attitude," you said. "Y/N can we focus." Wanda says, pointing at a group of advancing zombies.

Their bodies were covered in open wounds and walked towards you with a sense of distance as though they were there but not quite there, some of them were limping so you had that advantage. "Okay, let's just get this over with." you say. The leader of the group slashed out at your cheek as you dodge. "Bro, that was my good side, watch it." you say, throwing a knife at his leg. "So are we just getting one?" asks Wanda.

"It was the plan." you say while narrowingly avoiding a knife that spun past your head. "Geez guys let's not aim at the head please" anger slowly rising inside you "some people have uses for it." you add. "Some people have uses for it" They repeat, "Wait what?" Wanda says, They repeat that too.

"I want a church girl that goes to church and ReAd HeR bIbLe" You joke and they keep repeating it. That makes it a lot more interesting you think and run towards them, flipping over their heads, beheading them. "Ewww" Wanda says, looking away, the heads repeat that and close their eyes, "The last words were legendary" You say and Wanda picks one of their bodies up, leaving the disgusting heads behind.

"We're back!" You announce, Wanda carrying the body 1 metre behind you, "And we've got you a surprise" you add and she drops the body in front of everyone, Everybody has a face of disgust and Bruce asks Wanda to keep it in the morgue, "Dr. Cho will extract the blood" Bruce says, looking like he's gonna be sick.

"Dr. Cho extracted the assassin's blood, you need to come with me, Green Bitch" Tony says and pulls Bruce with him while he complains about the names Tony calls him. "You wanna come with me baby?" Nat asks, "Yeah but I need to clean this zombie Juice off of me" you say.

Nat sticks her tongue out in disgust, "Blegh, what the fuck is Zombie Juice, no I'm breaking up with you, bye, ew blegh, bye" Nat says walking away, waving her hand 'no' as you follow her around apologizing.

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